
Sunday, 12 July 2009

Has a Hemorrhoid Cure Finally Been Discovered? Posted By : TerryDonaldstein

Don't you find it more than a little bit odd how big pharmaceutical conglomerates with all their millions to spend on research, just can't seem to find cures for simple maladies like the common cold and hemorrhoids. Oh sure they have countless pricey products to treat the symptoms but a real hemorrhoid cure just seems nowhere in sight.

Now Your Starting To See the Light

Hey! If you had a chocolate company that every chocolate craver in town was coming to every day to get their fix, would you develop and market a cure for chocoholics?! Of course not! So now you know why pharmaceutical companies don't have curse but rather instead offer life time symptom treatments.

Man! Those Damn Chinese are Taking Everyones Business!

The real irony is that a hemorrhoid cure may have been around all along and guess who had it? Would you believe that ancient Chinese herbalists have been treating hemorrhoids and their symptoms for centuries with herbal remedies? Also would you also believe that these same herbal remedies are now available online!

Hey! Does Morphine Work To Kill Pain?

If you have any doubt that natural herbal remedies are effective then ask yourself where morphine and all the other opiate based pain medications came from? Thats right! They came from a plant that Asians had been using for centuries to cure pain, the opium plant.

You've Been Using Synthesized Herbal Treatments All Along!

Penicillin comes from orange mold, aspirin originated from a natural source and the list just goes on and on. You see, the fact is that a good percentage of the medicines that are used in hospitals and doctors offices today are based off of natural substances that are now being synthesized and produced in pill form.

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