
Friday, 28 August 2009

Getting to Know Everything About Depressions

We occasionally experience sadness in some point in our lives. These feelings of sadness usually disappear after a couple of days. However, there are some people who can't cope up with such strong emotions or feelings, which can eventually lead to depressions.

What is Depression?
Depression is considered a mental disorder because anyone inflicted with it cannot manage their life effectively and their normal functioning is affected. It is a serious illness since it can lead people to think of doing harmful things to themselves and to others. In the fields of psychiatry and psychology, depression means that the person is in the state of aversion to activities and low mood. A person who is depressed experiences mixed feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and sadness.

What Causes Depression?
Depressions are thought to be caused by an imbalance of the brain chemicals or hormones and other factors such as illness, stress, malnutrition, heredity, alcohol use, drug use, and malfunction of the neurotransmitters in the brain. Also, long term exposure to mold or dampness, aerosol exposure, and back injury are said to be predisposing factors of depression. Additionally, there is said to be a correlation between depression and long term sleep difficulties.

What are the Symptoms of Depression?
Those who suffer from depression do not experience the same symptoms. The duration, frequency, and severity of the symptoms depend greatly on the individual and how he or she copes up with the illness. Common symptoms of depressions include restlessness, irritability, decreased energy, fatigue, persistent feeling of emptiness or sadness, loss of interest in hobbies or activities, feelings of worthlessness and guilt, loss of appetite or tendency to overeat, difficulty making decisions and concentrating, and suicidal attempts.

What are the Treatments for Depression?
A lot of people who are suffering from depressions never seek medical treatment. Just like any other illnesses, depression can easily be treated if it is still on its early stage and the likelihood of recurrence can be prevented if treatment is begun early. Today, the commonly used treatments for depressive illness include medication, psychotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy, and natural methods.

Drugs that can be used to treat depression are the antidepressants which work to normalize or balance serotonin and norepinephrine which are naturally occurring chemicals in the brain. However, according to FDA, there are things to consider when using antidepressants. First is that these drugs can have unintentional effects especially to young adults and adolescents. Secondly, according to a study, taking antidepressants can increase the risk of suicidal attempts.

Psychotherapy, or commonly known as talk therapy, is sometimes effective, but it is not all the time that therapists can assist their patients properly especially if the person involved does not like to share things openly with other people.

Electroconvulsive therapy, or shock therapy, is not always ideal for everyone since it makes use of a muscle relaxant, anesthesia, electrical impulse, and antidepressant medications. Sometimes, this type of therapy produces undesirable effects on the body.

So far, the best way to treat depressions is by using natural remedies. These natural cures, from the word itself, are made from natural ingredients. So you are sure that they are safe to use. Also, natural treatments have permanent effects, can cure different types of depression, and are fast acting.

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