
Sunday, 23 August 2009

Natural Cures For Depression

Some natural cures for depression have proved to be quite effective for many people who struggle with mild to moderate depresssion. For example, in a recent German study, the herb St. John's Wort was shown to be quite effective in treating some clinical depression. Although the traditional medical community by and large has not generally been as positive in applying various forms of natural treatments, there is an increasing awareness that there is some value in using other options to help those who suffer with depressive disorders, rather than rely solely on heavy antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications.

Specific herbs are not the only options available to those who want to deal with depression without medication. There are many vitamins and supplements that can be used as natural cures for depression. Vitamins B3, B6 and B12 have long been known to assist in hormone balance, to level moodiness and to provide energy. Special diets have also proven to positively effect depressive disorders. Diets that call for foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids such as fish are especially helpful to those who are often depressed. Research has shown that many depressed patients are difficient in the EPA fatty acid found in fish. Sufferers who choose to add fish to their diets may see a noticeable improvement in sleep, moodiness, anxiety or unexplained sadness.

While there are many medications on the market to alleviate symptoms of depression, there continues to be a serious interest in finding ways to manage or alleviate depression altogether through alternative sources for several reasons. Certain side effects are generally known to occur in some users of various types of drug treatments. Commonly known side effects include difficulty sleeping, nausea, sexual difficulties, nervousness, and fatigue. A second reason some people choose to use natural cures for depression over traditional medications is because of a concern about negative, long term effects that may occur with the use of mood enhancing drugs. Lastly, cost is a common concern for sufferers who must deal with the cost of one or more medications plus the additional cost of professional therapies or counseling that usually combines with medication treatments.

There are over 19 million people a year who struggle with various types of depression and over 30 billion dollars are spent to treat the problem. While some types of the disorder definitely require traditional medications to alleviate symptoms and balance the sufferer, there are many people who suffer with mild to moderate depression who may benefit from natural, alternative treatments. Those who choose to explore the benefits of natural cures for depression may discover that a combined approach to wellness, which includes healthy diet, balanced supplement regimen, exercise and herbal remedies, may be the most effective.



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