Anxiety and Depression - Defeating Your Problems
Anxiety and depression are real problems, and they're ones that can feed off of one another. When you worry a lot, you also increase the chance of feeling like you lack worth, of having long spells of sadness, or just feeling emotionally exhausted. Being depressed can also make you tend to worry more, as feeling down for no apparent reason can lead to a real sense of dread. However, you shouldn't let yourself get caught up in these problems. There are things you can do to significantly reduce the hold they have on you.
You might feel like drugs are the only option for treating anxiety and depression. While it's true that drugs work well for many people, they're simply not the right choice for many more. They're probably best used as a last resort, since they tend to be expensive and have some side effects. While you shouldn't rule them out completely, other methods, including counseling, behavioral modification, and just trying to develop different ways of thinking can also help you.
That's not to say that you can just shrug off anxiety and depression. Anyone who tells you to "just get over it" has no idea what you're going through or how hard simply making it through the day can be. However, that very struggle to get through is what can help reduce your symptoms. Every time you get through your daily routine, it's a victory, and it's important not to forget that. There are things you can tell yourself that will make it easier, and help you keep from getting caught in the downward spiral.
While the things you can do will vary according to your schedule, simply taking care of yourself and breaking the day up can prevent problems with feeling down or depressed. Make sure that you exercise regularly (make it something you like, so it's not a chore), that you eat well and often enough to prevent mood problems exacerbated by blood sugar levels, and that you get enough sleep. If you can manage it, take a short walk in the middle of the day, and make sure you get some fresh air and sunshine.
Anxiety problems can be reduced using behavioral methods, too. Therapists recommend that you identify the situations and things that trigger feelings of panic, and avoid them whenever possible. You should also try to reduce stress levels, and if you feel an episode of anxiety coming on, try to pick it apart logically. Identify what you're worried will happen and the likelihood of those things actually occurring. Above all - get yourself out of the situation that's making you feel anxious.
These aren't the only things you can do to help with anxiety and depression, and none of them are magic bullets. However, there are lots of non-drug ways to improve your emotional and mental state. So, if you don't want to have to resort to medication, try a few other options first. You may be surprised by how much they can help.
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