10 Natural Ways to Ease Depression
1. Do something to get out of the house. Go for a walk, ride a bike, visit a friend, anything to get out of where you are. If you sit around moping, you will make yourself feel worse.
2. Understand that we are not going to feel happy all of the time. Sit back and enjoy the misery. Give yourself a time limit. Decide you will really wallow in your misery for let us say twenty-five minutes. Then allow all the bad feelings free rein. After the time limit, get yourself out for a walk or visit a friend.
3. Talk about your feelings to someone. A friend or family member may be able to help by just listening. Sometimes all we need is to have someone listen to us.
4. Write down your feelings. Keep a journal or just a book to write down what is bothering you. If you are more comfortable with drawing, draw a picture. It can help you express your feelings.
5. Eat a healthy diet. Sometimes depression can be caused by lack of nutrition. Your body can only take so much abuse and if it has to fight poor nutrition, it has no reserves to help you cope with emotional upsets.
6. Clean your bathroom with a toothbrush or find some other really boring task. Try it before you scoff!
7. Do not make any major decisions while you are depressed. You are not thinking clearly and are more likely to make the wrong decision, which will make you feel worse.
8. Stay away from the shops. You are more likely to try a bit of retail therapy and get into financial strife.
9. Stay away from the fridge. Eating is not going to fill that hole. Go for a walk instead.
10. Sometimes you just need some time out. Stress, too many commitments and too many late nights can take their toll. Relax, soak in the tub, and take some 'me' time.
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