
Saturday, 19 September 2009

All Types of Depression Revealed and How You Can Cure Them

How much can you claim to know about depression? If you suspect you might be suffering from it, then it is imperative that you learn instantly on what category that you might fall under. It is vital to learn all the different types of depression as each category carries different symptoms. Generally, depression is diverted into 5 more common categories such as postpartum depression, seasonal affective disorder, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder and dysthymia. Let us delve more deeply into each.

Postpartum depression
Postpartum carries the meaning of suffering from depression during pregnancy or after childbirth. During both this stages, women are perceived to more prone to depression from the rush of hormones that they experience. They feel that their baby have somewhat destroyed their way of life before pregnancy. Perceived losses such as the loss of their freedom, figures and girlhood are such examples. And these feelings are usually accompanied by jealousy as well if their partners show more attention to the newborn rather than being sensitive to her feelings. In the more extreme cases, they might even shy away from their baby in fear of hurting them and might unfortunately succumb to medications for treatment.

Seasonal depression / Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
People who enjoy the outdoor weather and sunlight are usually more prone to seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder. During winter, the lack of sunlight will play an important role to the cause as they are forced to stay indoors or unable to enjoy outdoor activities. Fixing up bright lights and exercising in a gym or a well lit designated area would do them a world of good in terms of natural treatments.

Major depressive disorder
Major depressive disorder is classified as one of the more serious types of depression. Sufferers are often mistaken that acts of self-mutilation will release the stress and anger that they are feeling within. Constant thoughts of suicidal are common for them and therefore what sufferers from this category of depression need most is the caring attention from their friends and family. By reaching out, they will find that help is just around the corner and how much they are actually wanted or appreciated in this world.

Bipolar Disorder
The sufferers of bipolar disorder are evident by their severe mood swings where they seem ecstatically happy one moment and extremely depressed the next. They tend to have extreme reactions towards normal daily events. Their line of thoughts are often incoherent and should be given constant attention.

Dysthymia is generally defined as other types of depression that could not be properly classified. It is most similar to mild depression as sufferers do not portray symptoms as severely as major depressive disorder or bipolar and yet serious enough to not be dismissed as just common daily mood swings. For the people under this category, natural treatments will work in their best interests.

Natural Treatments for All Types of Depression
There are many natural treatments available for all types of depression described above. For starters, yoga and exercise often helps to calm the person down and regulate blood flow which helps in releasing endorphins which elevates your mood. Also, you should consider natural herbs such as ginkgo biloba or kava kava which are natural anti-depressants that comes with no side effects when taken in moderation. But the most effective natural treatment to date is by changing the way you think. The best example can be given is that 2 different people will react differently to the same situation. Your new found optimism will change the line of your thoughts and by reacting with positive energy, many options that were not evident will become obvious.



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