
Saturday, 19 September 2009

There is Help For Your Severe Depression

There are various types of depressive illnesses. One of those types is severe depression, or major depressive disorder. Depression is an illness that affects all parts of a person's life. When an individual becomes depressed, it may seem as if they have lost their way. To them, their world may be over. A lot of times, a bout of severe depression occurs only once in a person's lifetime. But more commonly, this is a recurring illness that happens throughout an individual's entire life.

There is no single cause for this illness. The most explainable reason why people come down with depression is because there is a chemical imbalance in the brain. There is a certain level of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine that need to be present in order for a person to experience a calm and pleasant state of mental health.

Fortunately, up to 90% of all people who suffer from this illness return back to normal with the proper treatment. Antidepressants are a common treatment option often sought after by depression sufferers. You may be quite familiar with highly advertised medications such as Cymbalta, Zoloft, and Prozac. These medications can be used to correct the chemical imbalance that contribute toward severe depression.

Another way to treat the illness is by using natural remedies. A lot of people prefer natural over conventional treatments because of the safeness. Why is natural considered and proven to be safer? Because the side effects are virtually nonexistent . They are also a much more affordable option for those who cannot afford the cost of regular medication. You might have previously heard of some of the natural remedies used for depression such as St. John's Wort, fish oil, Passion Flower, green tea extract, folic acid, SAM-e, and 5-HTP.

People have also taken a closer look at how their diet's affect their severe depression. Research has proven that the foods people eat can have a drastic affect on mood, especially in those who are severely depressed. Foods high in carbs and sugar tend to spike blood sugar levels and then send them plummeting back down twice as fast. This can cause an individual to become "down and out" for what seems like no apparent reason.

A lot of people do not understand why they feel the way the do. The same people who feel severely depressed for a short while are also the same one's who may have just finished off a can of soda pop or a bowl of high-fat ice cream. A quick and easy alternative for this type of thing is to switch the foods you eat to cater to your sugar levels instead of unbalancing them. Foods high in protein and fiber are a great substitute and also help people feel fuller, longer.

But obviously, since there is a chemical imbalance in those who suffer from severe depression, the only realistic and practical thing to do would be to correct it. And since natural remedies do not contain side effects whereas prescription medications do, as well as are much more affordable and proven to be effective, the only logical thing to do would be to treat the illness with natural remedies. It really is the most sensible solution.

health for you now


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