
Saturday, 19 September 2009

Postpartum Depression - How Omega 3 Fish Oils Can Significantly Reduce Your Symptoms

Many experts believe that postpartum depression can be attributed to a depletion of omega 3 fatty acids from the mother's brain to support development of the baby or breast fed infant. This can be prevented by ensuring that sufficient of the right omega 3 fatty acids are provided in the mother's diet.

Postpartum depression generally occurs in women after they have given birth, usually in the first few months. It is a very serious condition and should not be ignored or brushed off.

Symptoms can include sadness, fatigue, insomnia, appetite changes, crying episodes, anxiety, and irritability and it's surprisingly common with up to 10% of women suffering from it.

Experts agree that the best way to avoid this or to treat it effectively is by taking a daily quality omega 3 fish oil supplement. This also brings many other health benefits with it including prevention of heart disease, lower cholesterol and blood pressure and help in the prevention of breast cancer.

The key is to select a pure and safe oil with high levels of the most useful omega 3 fatty acid, DHA. The two types, EPA and DHA are both important but recent studies on postpartum depression show how DHA is responsible for delivering most of the benefits.

Look carefully at the website or label to ensure you are getting twice as much DHA as EPA with at least 250mg of DHA per fish oil capsule.

Molecular distillation is also crucial to remove the toxins like PCB's lead and mercury which the fish carry. Again, check the label to be sure.

Currently the best source for DHA fats is the Hoki fish from New Zealand as it is naturally high in DHA and low in contaminants, mainly due to the pristine waters it lives in.

If you are suffering from or want to help prevent postpartum depression, taking a quality omega 3 fish oil is proven to help speed your recovery and get you back to full health as soon as possible.

If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA omega 3 supplements I personally take daily, visit my website today.


Fish Oils and Depression - Discover How a Daily Fish Oil Supplement Can Help Alleviate Depression

The link between fish oils and depression is a strong one as more studies show the effect of a lack of the essential omega 3 fatty acids in the brain. With over 90% of us being deficient in them, it is vital to restore the balance and reduce the incidences of depression. Here is a brief guide to how they work and how to find the best source.

As the brain is made up of over 30% DHA omega 3 fatty acids, it's no surprise that there's a link between DHA omega 3 fish oils and depression. It is even advised that pregnant mothers take one to help the baby's brain develop and lead to less behavioral problems later on in life.

Fatty acids are essential for the healthy formation of the brain's nerve cell membranes. The brain is the richest source of fatty acids in the body, and because nerve cell function depends on proper membrane functioning, changes in the membrane fluidity have a negative effect on behavior, mood and mental function.

So by storing up your omega 3's, they can help to significantly alleviate the symptoms of depression as well as providing a wealth of other health benefits including lower cholesterol and blood pressure, prevention of heart disease and effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis to name a few.

The best fish oils are rich in DHA omega 3 as opposed to the other main one EPA and I would recommend at least 250mg of DHA per individual capsule. This is absolutely essential as you will discover that the majority today contain more EPA as it's cheaper to make.

Next ensure any fish oil you choose has been molecularly distilled to remove all the possible toxins like mercury and arsenic which you can unwittingly ingest with many oils today. Check the label or website with care.

The fact that fish oils and depression go hand in hand is a fortunate one as this is a natural substance that offers a huge range of benefits aside from helping with depression, and one that can easily be taken in supplement form for convenience.

If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA fish oil supplements I personally take daily, visit my website today.


How Taking Omega 3 Fish Oils Can Significantly Reduce Post Partum Depression Symptoms

Experts agree that post partum depression can be attributed to a depletion of essential omega 3 fatty acids from the mother's brain to support development of the baby or breast fed infant. This can be prevented by taking the right omega 3 fish oils and helping to restore full health. Here is a brief guide to finding the safest and most effective ones.

Post partum depression normally occurs just after giving birth and can lead to many different symptoms including sadness, fatigue, lack of sleep, a change in appetite, crying, anxiety, irritability and it's not uncommon today with up to 10% of women believed to be suffering from it

Researchers in a recent study found that the more fish oil a pregnant woman took during her third trimester, the less likely she was to suffer from depression or post partum depression later on.

However, if you are suffering from it, you can really help to speed up your road back to full health by selecting the best omega 3 fish oil supplement to restore the balance.

With omega 3, you have two main ones called DHA and EPA and these should be individually labelled on the packet. You need high levels of DHA, proven to aid mental health and responsible for most of the other benefits too.

Most will contain more EPA as it's cheaper so check the label carefully and look to get at least, and I mean at least, 250mg of DHA per capsule, otherwise you will not get the maximum impact they have to offer.

Also, check they have been molecularly distilled to get rid of all the toxins the fish carry like mercury and lead. Again check the label or website as many manufacturers skip on this process to save money, putting your health at risk.

If you are currently suffering from or want to help prevent post partum depression in the first place, taking a quality DHA omega 3 fish oil is proven to help speed up your recovery and get you back to full health as soon as possible.

If you would like to learn more about the high quality DHA omega 3 supplements I personally take daily, visit my website today.

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There is Help For Your Severe Depression

There are various types of depressive illnesses. One of those types is severe depression, or major depressive disorder. Depression is an illness that affects all parts of a person's life. When an individual becomes depressed, it may seem as if they have lost their way. To them, their world may be over. A lot of times, a bout of severe depression occurs only once in a person's lifetime. But more commonly, this is a recurring illness that happens throughout an individual's entire life.

There is no single cause for this illness. The most explainable reason why people come down with depression is because there is a chemical imbalance in the brain. There is a certain level of serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine that need to be present in order for a person to experience a calm and pleasant state of mental health.

Fortunately, up to 90% of all people who suffer from this illness return back to normal with the proper treatment. Antidepressants are a common treatment option often sought after by depression sufferers. You may be quite familiar with highly advertised medications such as Cymbalta, Zoloft, and Prozac. These medications can be used to correct the chemical imbalance that contribute toward severe depression.

Another way to treat the illness is by using natural remedies. A lot of people prefer natural over conventional treatments because of the safeness. Why is natural considered and proven to be safer? Because the side effects are virtually nonexistent . They are also a much more affordable option for those who cannot afford the cost of regular medication. You might have previously heard of some of the natural remedies used for depression such as St. John's Wort, fish oil, Passion Flower, green tea extract, folic acid, SAM-e, and 5-HTP.

People have also taken a closer look at how their diet's affect their severe depression. Research has proven that the foods people eat can have a drastic affect on mood, especially in those who are severely depressed. Foods high in carbs and sugar tend to spike blood sugar levels and then send them plummeting back down twice as fast. This can cause an individual to become "down and out" for what seems like no apparent reason.

A lot of people do not understand why they feel the way the do. The same people who feel severely depressed for a short while are also the same one's who may have just finished off a can of soda pop or a bowl of high-fat ice cream. A quick and easy alternative for this type of thing is to switch the foods you eat to cater to your sugar levels instead of unbalancing them. Foods high in protein and fiber are a great substitute and also help people feel fuller, longer.

But obviously, since there is a chemical imbalance in those who suffer from severe depression, the only realistic and practical thing to do would be to correct it. And since natural remedies do not contain side effects whereas prescription medications do, as well as are much more affordable and proven to be effective, the only logical thing to do would be to treat the illness with natural remedies. It really is the most sensible solution.

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How Can I Cure My Chronic Depression Fast and Naturally?

Chronic depression is described as a state of intense despair, gloom and sadness that has advanced into a stage where he or she can no longer have coherent thoughts and reactions to daily situations. This type of depression is generally acknowledged to be more intense than normal mood swings or the 'blues.' If you suffer from depression, remember that it is an extremely common mental ailment that affects even the strongest individuals. It is a real mental disease and not an imaginary one and you should treat it accordingly.

Symptoms Of Chronic Depression

When a person shows at least five of the following nine criteria, he or she should strongly take action to nip this disease in the bud. Depressed mood swings, losing interest in people and previous hobbies, dramatic changes in weight, disrupted sleeping patterns, retarded physical reactions, feeling tired all the time, feeling worthlessness, unable to focus, and constant suicidal thoughts.

Safe Natural Remedies For Treating Chronic Depression

To achieve the most satisfying results, you should look for natural anti-depressants herbs like St Johns Wort, Chamomile, Kava Kava, Siberian ginseng, gingko, balm and so on. All these herbs described have natural sedative effects and helps more rigorous blood flow to maintain a healthy mind-body connection.

St Johns Wort

This is one of the most popular natural herbal remedies known to man. This effective herbal supplement has been proven in scientific studies to achieve similar results as per prescription drugs with fewer side effects. Positive results were noted in as little as 3 weeks after taking this herbal remedy. However, you should never take this while on other medication and should only be taken in moderation. Though side effects are rare, sensitivity to light and nausea might be occurring.

Chamomile and Red Raspberry Tea

Chamomile has long been hailed as one of the more effective relief for disrupted sleep patterns. You need to put dried Chamomile flower leaves in a cup and pour boiling water into it to make a sweet tea. It is known to elevate your mood and reduce fevers. Red raspberry tea can be prepared in the same way and can improve your blood flow to increase your mental clarity and alertness and thus improving your coherent line of thoughts.


5-HTP works as a natural supplement which converts into serotonin to elevate your mood. Serotonin is defined as a brain chemical known as a neurotransmitter which has direct effects on your mood, sleep and appetite behavior. Remember that low serotonin levels generally are caused by depression (symptoms) and not vice versa. Like everything else, it should be taken in moderation for the best results. Common side effects if taken too much would be nausea, constipation or headaches.

Fish Oil And Vitamin E

The main components which contribute to elevating depression in fish oil are known as EPA and DHA. The purer the content of EPA is contained in the oil the more effective it is treat the symptoms of chronic depression. EPA play the role of stimulating the nerve functions while DHA is vital for structure of building the brain. Vitamin E is important for both mind and body and sufferers tend to have lower levels of it. This can be easily remedied with canola oil which is a healthier choice for broiling vegetables and food.

Meditation and Positive Visualization

Meditation helps to create mental serenity and balance in your nervous system. It helps to elevate your mood of calmness and trains the mind to focus on a particular thought which helps coherent thinking. Firstly, find a quiet spot and relax comfortably with your spine and head aligned in a straight line. Then take deep breaths and focus on your breathing while thinking happy thoughts about your past. These thoughts should be accompanied by your past success to enlist a sense of accomplishment. You will find regular practice in positive visualization creating a natural instinct for you to stay focused and optimistic.


All Types of Depression Revealed and How You Can Cure Them

How much can you claim to know about depression? If you suspect you might be suffering from it, then it is imperative that you learn instantly on what category that you might fall under. It is vital to learn all the different types of depression as each category carries different symptoms. Generally, depression is diverted into 5 more common categories such as postpartum depression, seasonal affective disorder, major depressive disorder, bipolar disorder and dysthymia. Let us delve more deeply into each.

Postpartum depression
Postpartum carries the meaning of suffering from depression during pregnancy or after childbirth. During both this stages, women are perceived to more prone to depression from the rush of hormones that they experience. They feel that their baby have somewhat destroyed their way of life before pregnancy. Perceived losses such as the loss of their freedom, figures and girlhood are such examples. And these feelings are usually accompanied by jealousy as well if their partners show more attention to the newborn rather than being sensitive to her feelings. In the more extreme cases, they might even shy away from their baby in fear of hurting them and might unfortunately succumb to medications for treatment.

Seasonal depression / Seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
People who enjoy the outdoor weather and sunlight are usually more prone to seasonal depression or seasonal affective disorder. During winter, the lack of sunlight will play an important role to the cause as they are forced to stay indoors or unable to enjoy outdoor activities. Fixing up bright lights and exercising in a gym or a well lit designated area would do them a world of good in terms of natural treatments.

Major depressive disorder
Major depressive disorder is classified as one of the more serious types of depression. Sufferers are often mistaken that acts of self-mutilation will release the stress and anger that they are feeling within. Constant thoughts of suicidal are common for them and therefore what sufferers from this category of depression need most is the caring attention from their friends and family. By reaching out, they will find that help is just around the corner and how much they are actually wanted or appreciated in this world.

Bipolar Disorder
The sufferers of bipolar disorder are evident by their severe mood swings where they seem ecstatically happy one moment and extremely depressed the next. They tend to have extreme reactions towards normal daily events. Their line of thoughts are often incoherent and should be given constant attention.

Dysthymia is generally defined as other types of depression that could not be properly classified. It is most similar to mild depression as sufferers do not portray symptoms as severely as major depressive disorder or bipolar and yet serious enough to not be dismissed as just common daily mood swings. For the people under this category, natural treatments will work in their best interests.

Natural Treatments for All Types of Depression
There are many natural treatments available for all types of depression described above. For starters, yoga and exercise often helps to calm the person down and regulate blood flow which helps in releasing endorphins which elevates your mood. Also, you should consider natural herbs such as ginkgo biloba or kava kava which are natural anti-depressants that comes with no side effects when taken in moderation. But the most effective natural treatment to date is by changing the way you think. The best example can be given is that 2 different people will react differently to the same situation. Your new found optimism will change the line of your thoughts and by reacting with positive energy, many options that were not evident will become obvious.


Best Effective Treatments For Depression

More than 14 million Americans suffer from depression each year. It is not an imaginary illness but rather a real mental ailment that could affect anyone. That does not indicate on the personal attributes of a person and therefore you should ignore all the unfortunate stereotypes that come with it. Therefore, it is imperative that you focus on the best effective treatments for depression now.

Like any other mental ailments, the longer you ignore or simply cope with the ailment, the worse the damage will be impacted on your psyche. There are several perceived causes for depression, mainly being genetics, unfortunate incidents or even chemical imbalance caused by lack of neurotransmitters in your brain. Whatever your perceived cause may be, there is no time like the present to build your blocks of knowledge on effective treatments.

Best Treatments For Depression

Natural Herbal Remedies
Herbal remedies have long been hailed as one of the more effective treatments. They are considered to have fewer side effects and naturally have effective medicinal properties. The more popular herbal remedies include ginkgo biloba, kava kava and so on. Each different herb comes with a specific role in treating depression. Ginkgo biloba generally improves your overall mental functions and would allow you a clearer perspective on how to handle the situations that are happening around you more efficiently. Kava kava is known to calm a person down and proves to be a safer natural sedative compared to prescription drugs when take in moderation. Food and diet also plays an important role in your mental wellbeing so remember to include all nutritional properties in your daily diet.

There's nothing more important than to have a healthy mind-body approach in your arsenal of treatments for depression. Psychotherapy can do a world of wonders and is known as 'talk therapy'. It is deemed to most effective in mild cases of depression and has helped many thousand sufferers across the globe. Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the more common and effective methods in psychotherapy.

Cognitive behavioral therapy aims to teach you methods for dealing specific situations. Your mind instinctively takes charge to view issues in a more optimistic way. This approach gives you strong insight on how to deal with unrealistic expectations and pessimistic thoughts. For example, you think you HAVE TO go to work each day because you need the payroll to survive. But in reality, you CHOOSE TO work because you prefer to wake up early and work your butt off to just to make ends meet rather than suffer the consequences of not being able to put food on your table. So in all aspects, you have already made the best choice available to you and you take the responsibility to strive for performance and improvement so that you could choose to have more options. This approach helps the person to find new and exciting ways to solve daily challenges and is a huge contribution in dealing with depression.

By using your talents and skills, you could also devote all your energy and thoughts to treat your depression. When we are completely engrossed in a challenge we enjoy, our strength and talent will magnify our personal satisfaction and happiness from the results. So remember not to give up your hobbies, even if you feel that you do not have the physical strength. Support yourself to go though the motions and the inevitable personal satisfaction will come.


Is Anger a Symptom of Depression?

Many people believe that depression can result from anger turned inwards. Anger and depression are simply states of mind just like sadness, frustration, confusion etc.

Anger does not cause (nor is it a symptom of depression). In my clinical experience, persistent anger does often co-exist with MANY other negative emotions - frustration, despair etc. However, in assisting clients to release these deeply ingrained patterns of negative emotions, it is often necessary to work with and release anger first as it is a strong, dominant, primary emotion. Often, unless anger is released first, it is impossible to face or address the underlying issue(s).

However, I do not believe anger causes or is a symptom of depression per se.

Depression often presents when a person is constantly worried about problems they perceive they have no control over. It results from a tendency to focus exclusively on the negative - thought, spoken word, physiology etc. Like anger, depression is not something that happens to us - it can be created and exacerbated by our thoughts, words and physiology over time. Over long periods of time, it is possible to develop a habit of being angry all the time and/or a habit of being depressed.

Statistics prove that the majority of us focus more of our attention on what we don't want (or are afraid of) and we tend to do it with passion! Science has already proven that anything we do with strong emotion and passion creates a deeper engram (impression) on our minds.

Changing deeply ingrained habits or repetitive states of mind (whether they be positive or negative) requires repetitive autosuggestion over a period of at least 21 days. This fact was discovered in the 60's by a plastic surgeon named Maxwell Maltz.

What this means is that we are always in control of our experience of the world - our emotions, our meanings and the habits we develop over time. No one causes us to feel angry or depressed. It is something that we choose to do ourselves, in response to our life experiences. The good news is that we can take responsibility and "unchoose" the unproductive states of mind or habits....thereby changing forever our results and our destiny.


Thursday, 3 September 2009

Depression in Children - The Permanent and Effective Cures

Depression in definition is not the same as suffering from a bad mood or feeling low for a few days. This is even more evident for depression in children when you notice they seem to move about with their daily activities with a dreaded sense of enjoyment, constant gloominess, inefficiency to carry out normal tasks without exerting much effort, disturbing sleep patterns and they no longer seem to enjoy their usual hobbies. Statistics have shown that depressive children are more prone to the risk of suicide therefore it is vital to help them overcome depression as soon as possible.

Causes of Depression in Children
The most common perceived factors for depression for children are internal pressure at home as well as external pressure from their school environment. Arguments among parents, domestic violence and jealousy among siblings are factors while they have to cope with stress and pressure externally when they are not doing well at school or encountering problems with bullies. Simply put, the environment encourages a negative flow of thought and if treatments are not available, or if parents are ignorant to their silent pleas for help, this problem will build up and their pressure will be exerted outwards forcefully in depression symptoms.

The Permanent and Effective Cures For Depression In Children

Provide The Best Environment
It is easier said than done. However, you must not give up in providing the best environment for your child's mental health. Giving in to every whim of your child is not the way to make them happy. Rather, it is by providing ample amount of attention and care to the every aspect of your child life. Compliment them on their efforts in school or take time to help them revise their homework if time allows. Take care of their diets as the process of growing up healthy depends entirely on their diet. In events of arguments at home, explain to your child that he or she is in no way to blame or best yet, simply avoid arguments at all. There is nothing more effective in overcoming depression for your child than providing a loving and caring environment.

Encourage Your Child To Exercise
Undoubtedly, exercise is one of the best natural methods to treat depression. As one of the hallmarks of suffering from depression is lack of motivation, you should try to implement a reward system for your child. Studies have shown that repetitive physical movements stimulate the release of mood uplifting chemicals such as serotonin and work as a natural anti-depressant. Organize mild to moderate walks for your child for about 30 minutes a day and 4 days a week at least. Better yet, being his or her exercise partner will help build up a better relationship among other obvious physical benefits. Every step brings your child closer to recover from depression, so you must play an important part to help them there.

Listen and Provide Solutions
More often than not, children will run into problems at school which they cannot manage and will need help and support from their parents rather than a condescending ear to their problems. It might vary from difficulty at their studies, problems with bullies or relationship issues with opposite sex. No matter what the cause of the problem is, what they need most is your guidance on how to tackle the problem at hand. Of course it is important for them to self-learn on how to take on responsibilities but you might need to drop in their school and have an occasional chat with their teachers to understand their situations. By showing huge interest and sharing positive outlooks in their lives, they will learn from you the right examples in which you lead with.


Depression in Men - What Concrete Steps You Need to Take to Treat It

While depression in men may not be as common when compared to women, statistics from World Health Organization have shown that men are generally more successfully in taking their own lives with higher percentage rate. It may be due to the indifference of the way they handle their problems or unwillingness to share their mental burden with anyone in fear of appearing unmanly. Whatever the cause, it's time to get serious in taking concrete steps to overcome your depression or your loved ones.

Don't Give Up Your Hobbies
Depression has a way of making you feel empty. Do not lose to this feeling as many people have given up hope and start dropping their favorite pastimes and hobbies in the process. This will undoubtedly only worsen the situation and create a more depressive state for you in the future as you are robbed of enjoyment and pleasure that these activities provide you. Instead, you should concentrate more of your time and energy into doing something that you love, for example go for a walk in the park, play golf and immerse yourself in hobbies that hopefully involves physical movements.

Exercise has long been proven to increase your blood flow throughout all parts of your body and will enable to you think clearly and more objectively to handle your situation besides obvious physical benefits. Also, it works as a natural anti-depressant as the activities will increase your serotonin levels and allow you to be at a more relaxed sedative state.

Watch Your Diet
One of the more overlooked leading factors in overcoming depression is the lack of a proper diet. Are you enough or at the right time? Are you eating the right kind of food that provides proper nutrition? The right diet is important as lack of nutrients will make feel you easily irritated and generally unwell. Also, eating frequent light meals is better than a few heavy ones and make sure that all the appropriate nutrients are available in your meals. Try to leave out extreme diet plans that require you to forgo all carbohydrates and focus on protein or vice versa. Furthermore, try to include brain food in your diet which uplifts your serotonin levels and helps to enhance your memory. Simply put, you are what you eat so it is vital that you eat your way back to your former happy healthy self.

Cognitive Behavioral Approach To Treat Depression In Men
One of the more effective ways of overcoming depression is by simple cognitive behavioral approach. By changing your way of thinking, even the most dire circumstances could be viewed in more positive light. It is important because positive outlooks can result in positive outcomes when you take constructive actions in helping your situation. You will find new and more realistic strategies to cope with daily challenges.

Also, the positive visualization and imagination will do you a world of good. Take 15 minutes daily and sit in a quiet corner to focus on a happy memory in your past. By doing so, you will be able to relax and handle problems in a more rationale approach and no longer immerse yourself in the destructive 'all or nothing' thinking that most depressed men suffer from. There is always help around the corner, you just have to reach out and accept it.

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Suicide and Depression - What to Look For and Treatment Options

Suicide is a word that most people speak in hushed tones, if they speak of it at all. There is an expression that if a person talks about suicide than they will not attempt it. People should not ignore anyone who mentions suicidal thoughts. Instead, the person who may be suicidal should be steered toward the help he or she desperately needs. A mental health professional is very capable of handling the situation.

Factors as to why a person has become suicidal can include clinical depression, drug or alcohol abuse, and a family history of depression/suicide. A person could also have someone that he or she cared about die by suicide (family/friend or celebrity) and that could trigger the thoughts. Suicide deaths are split up between the age groups.

Women are more likely to seek help for depression and suicidal thoughts whereas men are the ones who are more likely to commit suicide. There are uncertainties as to why this is. Men may be less likely to seek help from a professional before it is too late. Men are also the ones most likely to choose firearms to perform the task. Firearms are deadly no matter what. No one with a history of severe depression should have access to guns period.

Depression and suicide are thought to connect. Depression may not always lead to suicidal thoughts but the chance is always there. This is why it is imperative to get someone to a mental health professional when depression is noted. Many anti-depressants are on the market that will help a person to feel better. Unfortunately there can be many side effects. Through trial and error the doctor can find the one that works though.

Many of those who are depressed do not realize that they are. For this reason, it may be up to friends or family to take note and push an individual towards help. Notation should be made that depression is a treatable illness. This fact should be reiterated to patients so they understand this. Any medications need to be taken continuously as instructed by the doctor or a relapse can occur. Reading and researching has been found to be a great help to patients who suffer from suicidal thoughts as well as depression. Many good books can be found online or in the library.

If any of the following symptoms of depression are noticed, seek help as soon as humanly possible.

• A constant sadness
• No pleasure in anything
• Crying, feeling hopeless or constant negativity
• A decrease in energy levels
• Lack of concentration or ability to make decisions
• Sleep patterns that are disturbed (too much or too little sleep)
• Change in appetite and/or weight

Only a token few are listed. Every individual is different. This article was written as a guideline in what to look for and how to prevent depression and suicide.

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How Your State of Mind Can Effect Your Body

A lot of people are unaware that any form of mental stress in large amounts can effect your body in an obvious way.  This is especially true for those that suffer from depression or anxiety, and the mind is letting you know physically that there is something not quite right.

I personally went through a period in my life where anxiety and depression took over  my life completely, my health declined at a rapid rate, I was feeling symptoms and pain  in places I never knew could be affected solely on the stress that my mind was giving me.  This in time made me realise that I was actually suffering from anxiety, and these signals played a part in helping me determine what actions I needed to take to change my way of thinking.

You find that your heart may beating rapidly for no apparent reason or maybe your hands start to sweat when you feel anxiety. Changes in appetite and less sleep come with feelings of worry or sadness.  All these physical signals let us know what could be possibly arising in the near future and that a storm is brewing.

What you can do to help you determine what it is that you're thinking that could be possibly causing the above symptoms, is make a note of each event on a day to day basis. Anytime for example you break into a cold sweat or find that you cannot sleep, make a note of it and write down the thoughts that occurred just before you felt those physical sensations.  Once you have figured out mentally what is causing you those uncomfortable symptoms you can then start to programme the brain into a different thought pattern to prevent symptoms arising again.

Always remember to firstly visit your local doctor just to be sure your physical symptoms are not an underlying health problem, I stress this very much as not all physical problems are directly related to anxiety or depression.

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Tips to Help Deal With Anxiety and Depression

Everyone that has experienced anxiety and depression can understand how difficult it can be to overcome the rut you feel you are stuck in.  Sometimes it feels like you have no choice, and you must go with the flow even though you want to do something about it but find you can't because you feel incapable of doing so.

These feeling are perfectly normal, and despite what you may think when feelings of depression or anxiety enter your mind, you do have the power to do something about it.  The first obstacle you need to overcome is not what comes physically but what goes on in your mind.  Once you overcome your obstacles mentally everything else will fall into place nicely,  it's very important that people understand this before going any further.

The first thing you should start with is realising what your beliefs are, as these are what dictate how you feel and what actions you take on a day to day basis. Once you have underpinned the beliefs and assumptions that stop you from moving forward you should focus on gradually changing them and instilling new and positive beliefs in your mind.  The mind is like a garden, anything you plant in it will flourish and grow,   what you must remember though is that your mind can flourish beautiful flowers or long horrible weed that gets out of control.

What most people don't realise is that we as humans resist change for fear of the outcome.  We all have underlying beliefs and values that determine what actions we take in life and what decisions we come to.  Ask yourself the following questions below, and mark each one that applies to you, this will help us to pinpoint your hidden values and assumptions.

 If I take a risk, I'm likely to fail.  If I reach out to others, I'll get rejected.  I don't deserve to be happy.  I don't expect much out of my life.  It's easy for me to dwell on how unfair life has been to me.  I feel helpless in dealing with my plight.  I feel angry about all the bad things that have happened to me. Other people don't understand how difficult my life has been. For the above statements that you find e how much I've suffered. relate to you personally , rewrite them to what you want to feel. For example;

If I take a risk, I will succeed, as there is no such thing as failure. If I reach out to others, people will accept and love me. I deserve to be happy, and will be. I expect alot from my life, and I will achieve it. I feel confident in dealing with any problem that comes my way. Other people should know how easy my life is and how much fun I'm having with it. Anyone with my life would be so happy and lucky. People appreciate me as a person and admire what I do. This form of action whereby writing down things you feel at the moment and matching them with things you would rather have provides you with a positive boost to get you through your day.  You may decide to take up activities such as yoga or meditation, and whenever you feel a negative vibe enter your mind go over on your list what you want instead of what you don't want.

Whatever you decide to do, always remember to take action, without action there is no reaction.
