
Saturday, 29 August 2009

Manic Depression Treatments

Depression is of two types one is Major Depressive Disorder and the other Bipolar Disorder. Both these disorders need different treatments. The symptoms of both disorders involves sorrow, exaggerated weeping, loss of pleasure, sleeping too much or too little, low get-up-and-go, uneasiness, difficulty in concentrating, temper, loss of appetite or overindulging, feelings of worthlessness and hopelessness, feelings of physiological problems that are not made by physical sickness or injury like head aches, digestive problems, painfulness and thoughts of dying or self-destruction.

Bipolar disorder involves episodes of depression and also episodes of mania like inappropriate sense of exhilaration, fearless behavior, low rest needed, excessive energy, rushing thought processes; speaking too much, out of control spending, trouble concentrating, irritability, abnormally elevated activity including sexual activity, poor judgment, competitive behavior, exaggerated temper or out of control conduct.

These episodes can last a long very long time, some for a amount of weeks, months. Both disorders vary quite a bit when it comes to the treatments.biologic elements, stress and anxiety play a big part in the causes of manic depression or bipolar disorder.

For the people who have been inflicted with either bipolar disorder or main depression, antidepressant medications are often extremely effective and they must be taken regularly for three to four weeks, sometimes even longer, before the full reaction is seen.

Manic Depression Treatments can be found online in the form of self help methods these methods can help a great deal in reducing the symptoms.

Good ways to combat manic depression include: getting a healthy diet, exercising regularly and getting some relaxation time.

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Friday, 28 August 2009

Symptoms That May Indicate You're Suffering From Depression

Everyone on the planet feels worried or sad from time to time, it's perfectly normal and natural.  If we weren't to feel these feelings we wouldn't be human, and for the most part these feelings are unavoidable.  It could be worry for your children, bills you may have to pay, your workplace or maybe your health.  Whatever it may be, anxiety and depression is part of everyday life on this planet.

The problem is, that sometimes peoples life for you can become saturated with worry, going through your head 24 hours of the day and 7 days a week.  When this happens you must understand that this is not normal and can affect the way you feel, act or behave towards your self and others.

So do you suffer from anxiety or depression? Lets find out.

Below are some questions that you should ask yourself to give you a clearer indication if you maybe suffering from anxiety or depression.  I've been crying for no clear reason.  I pace around when I'm worried.  Sometimes I can't make myself get out of bed.  I avoid going into crowded areas.  I can't seem to make myself exercise.  I avoid risks because I'm afraid of failure.  I don't do things for fun lately.  I always play things on the safe side.  I've been missing work lately because I just don't have the motivation.  I'm really fidgety.  I've been doing everything at a much slower pace for no good reason.  I avoid people or places that remind me of a bad past experience.  I don't care what I look like anymore.  I spend too much time making sure I look okay.  I don't laugh anymore.  My hands shake when I'm nervous.  I've been letting things go that I need to attend to.  I feel compelled to repeat actions (such as hand washing, checking locks, arranging things in a certain way, and so on).If most of the above statements ring true for yourself then don't feel lost and alone.  Anxiety and depression comes into peoples life's 1 way or another, it can only be a problem if you let it get out of hand.  I suggest consulting your local doctor for advice on what you can do to overcome your anxiety and depression.

You should never let neither problems take control of your life. as this would be unhealthy primarily for you as well as others around you.  You can find more information on anxiety and depression in books and on the internet, in fact there are many dedicated forums for people to share their issues with one another.  Whatever you decide to do always take action, never sit idle waiting for things to change, in most cases it never does.


Getting to Know Everything About Depressions

We occasionally experience sadness in some point in our lives. These feelings of sadness usually disappear after a couple of days. However, there are some people who can't cope up with such strong emotions or feelings, which can eventually lead to depressions.

What is Depression?
Depression is considered a mental disorder because anyone inflicted with it cannot manage their life effectively and their normal functioning is affected. It is a serious illness since it can lead people to think of doing harmful things to themselves and to others. In the fields of psychiatry and psychology, depression means that the person is in the state of aversion to activities and low mood. A person who is depressed experiences mixed feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, and sadness.

What Causes Depression?
Depressions are thought to be caused by an imbalance of the brain chemicals or hormones and other factors such as illness, stress, malnutrition, heredity, alcohol use, drug use, and malfunction of the neurotransmitters in the brain. Also, long term exposure to mold or dampness, aerosol exposure, and back injury are said to be predisposing factors of depression. Additionally, there is said to be a correlation between depression and long term sleep difficulties.

What are the Symptoms of Depression?
Those who suffer from depression do not experience the same symptoms. The duration, frequency, and severity of the symptoms depend greatly on the individual and how he or she copes up with the illness. Common symptoms of depressions include restlessness, irritability, decreased energy, fatigue, persistent feeling of emptiness or sadness, loss of interest in hobbies or activities, feelings of worthlessness and guilt, loss of appetite or tendency to overeat, difficulty making decisions and concentrating, and suicidal attempts.

What are the Treatments for Depression?
A lot of people who are suffering from depressions never seek medical treatment. Just like any other illnesses, depression can easily be treated if it is still on its early stage and the likelihood of recurrence can be prevented if treatment is begun early. Today, the commonly used treatments for depressive illness include medication, psychotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy, and natural methods.

Drugs that can be used to treat depression are the antidepressants which work to normalize or balance serotonin and norepinephrine which are naturally occurring chemicals in the brain. However, according to FDA, there are things to consider when using antidepressants. First is that these drugs can have unintentional effects especially to young adults and adolescents. Secondly, according to a study, taking antidepressants can increase the risk of suicidal attempts.

Psychotherapy, or commonly known as talk therapy, is sometimes effective, but it is not all the time that therapists can assist their patients properly especially if the person involved does not like to share things openly with other people.

Electroconvulsive therapy, or shock therapy, is not always ideal for everyone since it makes use of a muscle relaxant, anesthesia, electrical impulse, and antidepressant medications. Sometimes, this type of therapy produces undesirable effects on the body.

So far, the best way to treat depressions is by using natural remedies. These natural cures, from the word itself, are made from natural ingredients. So you are sure that they are safe to use. Also, natural treatments have permanent effects, can cure different types of depression, and are fast acting.

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The Unsung Truth - Food As a Natural Treatment For Depression

Food is nature's way with supplying your body with what it needs and craves, including treatment for diseases and things like depression. If you are eating processed, sugar laden foods every cell in your body is screaming for nutrients.

Most people don't think of food as one of the natural ways to treat depression, but it is. The key is to raise the level of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that makes you feel good and not depressed! It is actually called serotonin depression. Antidepressant medications slow the removal of serotonin from the brain balancing your serotonin levels so you no longer feel depressed. But this can also be accomplished with diet also.

Serotonin is not something you will find in food. But, certain foods cause serotonin to be released like simple carbohydrates and grains. That is why chocolate makes you feel so good. But with these types of foods you will also get raised blood sugar levels and a big let down in a couple of hours.

In order for you body to utilize the natural treatment for depression, your body needs tryptophan (an amino acid) to produce serotonin. Tryptophan, which your body does receive from the food you eat, and that have excellent sources of tryptophan are chicken, turkey, beef, brown rice, nuts, fish, milk, eggs, cheese, fruit, and vegetables. Remember your body can not make tryptophan; you must supply it in the form of food or supplements.

If you feel you need a supplement you can buy tryptophan at health food stores or 5-HTP an amino acid and a precursor to serotonin. It has been used as an antidepressant, appetite suppressant, and sleep aid. Other herbal remedies in addition to a healthy diet could include St. John's Wort and Passion Flower also support serotonin levels.


Fight Depression Naturally

Feeling a little blue?  Have you been diagnosed with depression?  Are you concerned about going on medication?  You are not alone!  Learn some simple ways to help prevent depression before it overwhelms you.  Approximately 20 million people suffer from depression every year and with the state of the economy, that number seems to climb more and more each day.  Depression is defined as a disorder that prevents someone from functioning normally day to day. 

Therapy can help resolve some problems before they lead to depression and it is important to learn how to prevent future episodes.  You will find out if you are just feeling 'blue' or clinically depressed.  Here are some ways to beat the blues naturally:

1.  Eat fish - at least twice a week or take an Omega 3 (fish oil) supplement every single day.  This will help improve your mood as essential fatty acids can actually change the chemistry in your brain and put you in a good mood.

2.  B-complex - supports the nervous system and helps to de-stress the body by supporting the adrenal glands. 

3.  Eat foods for a good mood - they include sunflower seeds, oranges, beets, and leafy green vegetables.  All of these foods can help prevent mood swings. 

4.  Take Vitamin D3 - this is the sunshine vitamin and probably the most underated vitamin of all, yet it can relieve symptoms of seasonal affective disorder (SAD) that typically occurs during the winter months, when there are fewer hours of sunshine.

5.  Share your feelings with a trusted friend or your spouse - the pain of depression is very real and what can make a huge difference in your health is what you do with those feelings.  Acknowledge those feelings of depression instead of shoving them under the rug.  Eventually, they do resurface if they are not dealt with in an approach that will work for you.

6.  Aromatherapy is a great way to improve your mood almost immediately.  Keep a vial of lavender essential oil at your desk so you can breathe in deeply when you are feeling a little blue.  Other good choices are lemon, rose or sage.

7.  Avoid alcohol - which actually depresses the nervous system and can make you feel worse.  Go to the parties and get-togethers, however, make a point to drink water in between drinks and eat some food.   My favorite thing to do after drinking some wine is drink alkaline water which really helps to dilute the effects of alcohol. 

8.  Prioritize your life - sometimes our schedules get so hectic, it just adds to an overwhelming feeling that seems hopeless.  Decide which activities will fit into your schedule to prevent work overload and depression. 


What You Eat - Combating SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder)

Individuals who commonly feel depressed and lethargic during the cold and bleak winter months and those who's symptoms disappear in the springtime may well be suffering from the SAD disorder. A depressive condition, resulting from the chemical effects of light deprivation upon the brain, SAD predominantly affects women residing in northerly climates. The vast majority of sufferers start to feel much better following one or two weeks of light inducing therapy. This practice involves additional exposure to natural sunlight or high-intensity bright white light for around a half an hour period each day. Research has shown light treatment to be far more effective than anti depressive drugs which have commonly been prescribed to treat individuals suffering from the seasonal affective disorder.

It has long been identified that sufferers often exhibit food cravings requiring sugar rich foods to make them feel better for a limited period. Scientists have surmised that consuming sweet foods may well trigger the release of the same mood altering chemicals as exposure to sunlight or bright white light. It was shown that once light therapy is introduced the craving sensations for sugary foods dramatically reduced.

If you consider you are suffering from the SAD disorder try to satisfy your carbohydrate cravings by consuming pasta with light sources, pulses, fresh vegetables, beans and breads rather than high sugar sweets, biscuits and cakes. Do not be tempted to consume excessive amounts of alcohol to combat your current state of mind, given this only serves to worsen the depression. Make a point to take up an increased amount of outdoor pursuits and if you are employed in an office environment see whether or not you can move your workstation nearer to a window. Better still, if feasible, get yourself away from the winter months by taking a winter holiday in sunny location.


Remedies For Depression - Pros and Cons

Around nine percent of the American population or approximately nineteen million suffer from depression in any given one year period. Five to twelve percent of men or ten to twenty percent of women will likely be affected with depression. Because anyone can be affected with depression at some point of their lives, it is important to know the remedies for depression and their advantages and disadvantages.


Drugs that are used to treat depression are called the antidepressants. These medications work by normalizing the brain chemicals, called the neurotransmitters, which are naturally present in the human brain. These brain chemicals, such as the serotonin and norepinephrine, are the ones responsible for regulating a person's mood.

When it comes to the effectiveness of treating depression, antidepressants are said to be effective. However, these medications, especially the SSRIs and SNRIs, bring along undesirable side effects such as headache, nervousness, nausea, insomnia, dry mouth, constipation, blurred vision, drowsiness, and sexual problems.

When taking antidepressants, there are a lot of medicines and foods that should be avoided to prevent serious interactions. Therefore, drug remedies for depression may not suitable for some people. Aside from that, medications only provide temporary relief and not permanent cures to the sufferer.


Psychotherapy, or commonly known as the talk therapy, is one of the commonly used remedies for depression. This type of therapy involves talking to a psychologist and the regimen can either be short term or long term, depending on the severity of the disorder. Talk therapy is effective because it involves teaching the patient new ways of behaving and thinking to help them cope up with the depression.

The effectiveness of psychotherapy, however, does not last long, especially if the person's behavior or way of thinking changes. Aside from that, therapies may not be effective if the person is not comfortable talking to other people. Another downside of psychotherapy is that psychotherapy alone is not enough to treat depression. Because of this people and may need to combine psychotherapy with medication.

Electroconvulsive Therapy

Electroconvulsive therapy is only used when medication or psychotherapy fails to alleviate a person's depression. This type of therapy is also known as shock therapy because it makes use of an electrical impulse. Before performing the therapy, a muscle relaxant and anesthesia will be administered to the patient.

The downside of the shock therapy is that it can cause side effects such as disorientation, memory loss, and confusion. These side effects, however, are said to be short term only. In some cases, treatment may need to be extended to one year period for it to take effect.

Natural Cures

Natural remedies for depression have been manufactured to eliminate the undesirable side effects brought about by medications or shock therapy. These natural cures are made from natural ingredients and are said to be fast acting. So far, there are no known side effects with using natural cures for depression since the ingredients used are all-natural.

When choosing remedies for depression, make sure you choose the one that is fast acting, perfectly safe to use, has lesser side effects, and guarantees permanent cure.


Learn to Know the Signs of Depression and Treatments For Depressed Women

Did you know that women are twice as likely to experience a period of major depression in their life than men? Depression may occur among women from all walks of life and of all ages. Depression may be one of the conditions that represent the biggest burden to women in the world.

What is the burden of major depression? This serious condition decreases a woman's social, mental and physical ability to function in the environment in which she lives. This is bad since women perform various critical functions in the social, family and business world.

Women developing depression disorder do not always exhibit the same symptoms. Here are a few signs of depression to give you a general idea:

* Physical symptoms such as unexplained pains, headaches or digestive problems
* Restlessness and irritability
* Reoccurring feelings of sadness, guilt and worthlessness
* Negative thoughts and pessimistic attitudes
* Loss of appetite or eating too much
* Constant fatigue
* Concentration problems
* Sleeping too much or too little (sleep disorders)
* Suicidal thoughts or a suicide attempt

Antidepressant medication is a common way to treat woman suffering from depression. Many women may find relief although it is estimated that almost a third do not respond well to treatment with antidepressant medication. They may find a solution to their problems in psychotherapy. Clinical trials has found that the following types of psychotherapy are effective in treating depressed women:

* Interpersonal therapies
* Cognitive behavioral therapy
* Marital and family counseling

Depressed women often have to cope with negative thoughts and thinking styles. Cognitive behavioral therapy may help them to overcome this problem. Other popular natural remedies for depression may include the following:

* Herbs such as St. John's Wort
* Exercise
* Meditation and relaxation
* Acupuncture

I have also read about a study that suggested that depressed women may have up to 30% more sex than women who do not suffer from depression. A possible reason for this may be that having sex helps them to feel more loved and secure. However, sex should not be seen as a possible treatment for depression. Keep in mind that a decline in sexual desire and activity may also occur in some women.

Women are unique entities and there are biological, hormonal and social factors that may explain the higher incidence of depressive disorders amongst this group. Women are particular susceptible to depression in the weeks after childbirth due to physical and hormonal changes. Having to care for a helpless baby may also add more stress to an already stressed body and mind. It is no wonder that certain women develop postpartum depression.


Combating Depression Through Exercise

I always feel much better when I exercise. I'm more positive and upbeat, feel healthier and gain confidence. Unfortunately when I feel depressed I rarely feel like exercising or doing anything else. I know many of my friends and family report similar experiences. I decided to see if there was any medical research and found plenty of it.

Research shows that exercise reduces or eliminates depression including clinical depression. Over eighty studies confirm it. Although I know that even exercising once can help lift my spirits, research shows that depression seems to diminish after four weeks of regular exercise. More substantial effects are observed with longer term regular exercise as well.

Part of the reason might be that exercise improves confidence. It certainly can give you a feeling of confidence and makes you look better in general. Also numerous studies show exercise reduces stress.  Certainly feeling like you look better (because you probably do), having a sense of accomplishment, and being less stressed out can make you feel much better.

Exercise can also get you out during the time you are most likely to get depressed, the winter, when short hours of sunlight can be a contributing factor. I try to get out during daylight hours for at least a brief walk several times a week during the winter, despite occasionally bitter weather, and find it does improve my mood markedly.

Many people suffer from depression at some point in their life, whether it's mild or much more severe. Just a bit of regular exercise can help moderate or eliminate it.


Try These Depression Lifting Tips Before Resorting to Drugs

The effects of our current, worldwide recession has set the globe back quite a bit. Even though some saw it coming, for many others it, along with the twin concerns of terrorism and war, shattered the calm of normal day-to-day living.

Add to it the never-ending volatility in the price of oil and gasoline, more and more people suddenly out of work, rising homelessness and hunger, and the threat of new, antibiotic-resistant diseases, and you definitely have the makings of a depression epidemic as well.

What can you do about it?

The first thing is to work very hard, every single day, on your focus and perspective. You must find some ray of hope amongst the bleakness. Recovery will be slow, but it will come. History proves that to us. Everything operates in cycles. We enjoyed the longest uninterrupted period of economic expansion in US history, so the resulting downturn pretty much HAD to be long and severe.

That's just the way things work.

Further, another important thing you can do is to focus on all the things you have in your life. If you've lost your job, hopefully you still have your health. Or your family. Or any number of things that make your life just a little bit better. The sense of lack creates anger, frustration and resentment. It's vital that you do not allow yourself to fall victim to this particular line of thinking.

Finally, try to become aware of negative thoughts as they enter your mind. When you catch them, it's important not to berate or belittle yourself for having these thoughts. We all do - every single one of us. What matters is to understand that these thoughts do not have to define who you are. You can choose to let them quietly leave your brain, then you can replace them with a more positive, optimistic thought.

It sounds silly, but you would absolutely amazed how much this simple little process can change your outlook if you practice it faithfully over time.


Treating Depression With Reiki

Reiki Masters believe that thought is energy vibrating at a very high frequency while the human body is energy vibrating at a lower frequency. Vibrations produce actions and actions produce reactions at grosser and grosser levels of frequency in a ripple effect!

While positive thoughts are universally acknowledged to manifest as health, negative thoughts are held to produce disease or lack of ease. Mental disease is manifested as depression, depressive psychosis, mania or even schizophrenia.

Treating depression with Reiki is fast becoming a sought-after alternative to modern drugs. Reiki deals with depression as negative energy. Negative energy manifests at the aura level as imbalance in the Chakras or energy centres and is visible to the Reiki practitioner as grey or black spots in the aura. Imbalance of the energy centres causes reactions at a physical level, for the energy centre governs the health or disease of the organs and endocrine glands located within its purview.

The Chakra System and Depression

The Chakras that are usually blocked in a person who is depressed are the lower--the root chakra, the naval chakra, and to some extent the solar plexus chakra, which is part of the middle group.

The Root Chakra anchors the person to the earth. It represents the physical will and is associated with the spinal column, bones, teeth, nails, anus, rectum, colon, prostrate gland, blood and the building of cells. The Suprarenal glands, which produce adrenalin and influence body temperature, are governed by condition of the root chakra. The person whose root chakra is out of balance cannot accept life or enjoy physical existence. The creative energy of such a person is low and self-expression is not considered necessary. The person will have a tendency to overindulge in sensual pleasures such as overeating, alcohol, sex etc. He or she becomes selfish, self-centred. Physically the person becomes overweight and suffers from constipation. When challenged the person becomes irritable, aggressive, upset, violent and displays a complete lack of trust. If the Chakra is completely blocked the person will lack physical and emotional stamina and will be filled with feelings of uncertainty.

The Naval Chakra is the creative and reproductive centre of the being. It is associated with the pelvic girdle, kidneys, bladder and all liquids such as blood, lymph, gastric juices and the regulation of the female menstrual cycle. The glands associated with this chakra are the Prostrate, gonads, ovaries and testicles. If this energy centre is active and free of blocks the person exhibits freedom in self-expression and life appears interesting. Interpersonal relationships are regarded as beautiful. A disharmonious chakra induces the person turn off sensual messages and display low self-esteem, emotional paralysis and sexual coldness. Life does not seem worth living and suicidal tendencies manifest themselves.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is the power centre of the being. A harmonious Chakra gives the person a feeling that he has the power of shaping things. It is associated with the lower back, abdomen, digestive system, stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder and the automatic nervous system. The organ that is governed by this Chakra is the Pancreas. The body absorbs solar energy through this chakra. This nurtures the ethereal body and energizes and maintains the physical body. Emotional energy is also governed by this Chakra. Personality traits and social identities are determined by it. Since it is located between the lower and higher chakras it has the additional function of purifies the basic instincts and directing the creative energy to higher values of life. It is also connected to the astral body and helps us integrate our feelings, wishes and experiences harmoniously. A block solar plexus chakra deprives the individual of the zest for life. The person feels gloomy, unbalanced and moody. Negative vibrations impact the individual through this chakra. The person is restless and attempts to manipulate everything in accordance with his or her own wishes. There is a persistent feeling of inadequacy, which drives them to ceaseless activity. The person gets easily threatened and tends to feel dejected and discouraged. The person insists that obstacles are preventing them from realizing the true goals of life.

It is clear that the symptoms of a person in the grip of acute depression are as much physical as emotional and psychological. A block will exist in the root chakra, the naval chakra and the Solar plexus Chakra. The creative energies of the person will be at an all time low and the person will avoid situations where he or she has give expression to his or her feelings. He is self indulgent, selfish, self-centred and suffers from a large number of ailments related to the stomach and has a tendency to put on weight. He or she will lack physical stamina and will be moody, irritable, aggressive and defensive. He will have no interest in life and will refuse to socialize. In extreme cases he will attempt suicide.

Case Study of Treating Depression with Reiki:

Ms.L, an obese woman (she weighed 180 Kgs), had not stepped out of her front door for the last ten years. She was convinced that she could not walk without support and that she would fall down if she tried. She spent entire days in the house, refusing to talk with visitors. She had a compulsive need to eat and would cook and consume huge quantities of Chicken, eggs and meats at odd times of the day. She had tried anti depressant drugs and other methods of treatment that included Homeopathy, acupressure, acupuncture and anything that was recommended to her by her sister and brother in law. She was convinced that she was born unlucky and she would never be normal again. She would begin a treatment with lukewarm enthusiasm, but would soon slip into lethargy and refuse to go on with the treatment. When Ms.L was referred for Reiki, she had convinced herself that she had not long to live and had told her sister not to be surprised if she found her dead one-day. Her sister-- alarmed--rushed to the Reiki clinic for help.

Day 1: Since the patient would not come to the clinic, I decided to visit her home. It was clear from Ms.L's posture that she was in the grip of acute depression. She was seated on a sofa with her feet up on a footstool. Her body limp, her head bowed and her shoulders drooping. Her arms lay lifelessly at her sides. She seemed lost to the world and did not even look up when we entered the room. She merely lifted her eyes to look at us without enthusiasm when she was talked to. An aura scan revealed that her root chakra and the naval chakra were completely blocked and her solar plexus chakra was partially blocked.

With a lot of persuasion from her sister and myself, she got up and went to lie down on her bed. I noted that she used the walker even though she was perfectly able to walk without it. She seemed to cling to it as a means of support. I kept up a general chatter as I started the treatment. She continued looking at the ceiling blankly. After some time, she started to pay a little more attention. Her muscles would twitch and she lifted her head to see what we are doing. She called her sister near and asked her whether we were using some chemicals as she was feeling some heat where my hand rested. When she was assured that no chemicals were being used, she subsided once more into indifference. Slowly and visibly she began to relax. She soon fell into a deep sleep and began to snore. As the round of treatment was over, we let her sleep.

Day 2: Ms. L was waiting for me. She looked relaxed and calm. On enquiry, she replied, "I slept deeply and dreamlessly for the first time. I feel well". She then went willingly and lay down on her bed. After chatting with her for some time on a variety of topics (she did not reply), I started the treatment. While doing Reiki, I continued to chat and Ms.L replied in monosyllables to the questions being addressed to her. At the end of the hour she remarked, "That felt nice".

Day 3: Mrs. L was ready for me. She was lying down and eager to start the treatment. She began to talk about the weather all the time keeping an eye on me. When I agreed that it was hot, she began telling me how the heat was affecting her and how she could not eat as much as she used to. I made sympathetic noises to encourage her. She seemed to feel reassured and gradually opened up--almost as if she were talking to herself and occasionally asking me a question. Then, her tone changed and she became more emotional and personal. She poured out her feelings. She insisted that she was very depressed because God had taken away her husband and her children had all flown away to distant lands and nobody cared for her. She said she had hated God from the day he had taken her husband and she had not gone to church or prayed for a long time. Since she had been very religious, she felt guilty that she had forsaken God but, she hated him and she did not want to pray to him. She then began weeping and ranting at God and exclaiming that she should not be doing it! This emotional outburst lasted for almost an hour, during which I continued the treatment, unfazed. Finally, exhausted by emotions and relaxed by the Reiki, Ms.L fell asleep.

Day 4: Ms.L was waiting for me--a little shamefaced and diffident. She greeted her with a defiant "I was carried away a little yesterday. I am sorry". I assured her that it was ok and that she must not hold back her emotions and that I do not mind her talking to me about anything. She then, asked me a little suspiciously 'Do you think your treatment is making me unbalanced?". Well that was a tricky question at this stage and I was not very sure whether I should admit to the fact or assure her that it was not so. I intuitively felt that it would be better to explain to Ms.L and so I told her that Reiki dives deep into the psyche and stirs up emotional blocks for release. I explained that what she was experiencing was the release of emotional blocks and it was nothing to be alarmed about. It would help her come out of her lethargy and feel more enthusiastic about life. She was silent for some time and then said that she was glad that I had been honest with her. She only requested that whatever she said to me should be kept confidential. I agreed and she said she was looking forward to the treatment. As we went through the various hand positions, she started asking me about Reiki and what it was all about. I explained to her about energy centres and how imbalances in energy caused illness. She expressed eagerness to learn it herself. I told that it could be easily arranged. She then began to talk to me about her husband and the wonderful man that he had been and how cancer had eaten into his insides unsuspected. She described the shock they had experienced when the disease was diagnosed at a terminal stage. She described the trauma of waiting for death to part them. She re-lived the pain she had felt when he went to the hospital for the last time and she could not be with him during his last minutes, as she was laid up in bed at home with a fracture. She felt she had let him down and was guilty of continuing to live when he had died such an agonizing death. She then sobbed quietly till she fell asleep exhausted by her emotions.

Day 5: Ms.L was looking very anxious when I entered her room. She immediately piped up "Do you think God is cruel?" I cautiously replied "No". She then asked, "Do you think I should begin to pray to him? Do you think he will hear my prayers now? I have abused him so much!" I was impressed. I said, "Yes, you should. God is very forgiving and he is always happy to welcome his children, however abusive they have been!" She was content with my reply and got ready for the treatment. While I worked the hand positions she continued telling me how much she loved God and how she had missed her conversations with him. She then told me she is convinced that her husband was waiting for her in heaven and she would join him when God felt that it was time. Meanwhile she had a lot to do. She had written to her son and asked him to come back home to keep her company and was in hourly expectation of hearing from him. She then began thanking me for the wonderful treatment that I was giving her and she was convinced that God had sent me to her when she was most depressed.

Days 6-21: Followed with the patient very enthusiastic and cooperative. She gradually left off her walker and her posture improved and she stuck to mealtimes with determination. She even consented to step out of her house and take short walks in the corridor with her sister. A month later she completed a course in Reiki and even visited a textile showroom to select some dress material for her. She invited me over for a party she held to celebrate her Son's return home. (The boy had left his job to take up one closer home to be with his mother). She was bubbling with energy and extremely enthusiastic about life. A quick scan of her chakras revealed that the energy levels were normal and the grey spots in her aura at the root and naval chakra had disappeared. The Solar plexus Chakra was also open.

Combining Reiki With Other Therapies.

Many Reiki practitioners combine crystal therapy with Reiki to stimulate the chakras. Limonite, Lapis Lazuli, Pietersite, and Turquoise are used to stimulate the sacral Chakra Wardite, Mesolite, Jasper, and Jet, help the base chakra open up. The Solar Plexus Chakra is stimulated by chrysanthemum stone, gypsum, jasper, obsidian and rutilated quartz.. Wadeite is used to stimulate all the chakras. I personally, combine Reiki treatment with Bach Flower treatment and crystal therapy as I find that it accelerates the healing and gives the patient a psychological satisfaction.

As is evident from the above case study, that Reiki brings about immediate and dramatic improvement in condition of persons suffering from depression. It is also evident from countless testimonials that persons who have come out of their depression by using Reiki have not had a recurrence of the same. Many hospitals round the world are recommending Reiki as a parallel system of treatment. Treating depression with Reiki is becoming a recognized practice within hospitals and more so with local doctors. The efficacy and impact of Reiki is best understood when it is personally experienced.


What is the Most Effective Treatment For Depression?

Depression isn't something one should play with. As soon as it is diagnosed action should be taken to see to the disorder before things start to get out of hand. Depression can start mildly, or it can start a little heavier and just get worse. If your depression has started mildly, that is a good sign, but will not be good for long so you need to do something about it. You should see someone that deals with this disorder professionally, but do not let them prescribe chemical medication for you, like anti-depressants. Ask them if they can recommend natural medication that you can take, that has little or no side effects.

In conjunction with the natural medication you are taking, there are a few things you can do that will help ease your depression. First of all, as simple as it gets, take a long walk. Walk your favorite route on a good day; just get out there to clear your mind. Exercise is key to kicking depression. With physical movement you are able to stimulate the production as well as the release of your mood which improves your chemical balance. Take a walk or join a gym, where you can take part in light exercises. It should help to keep your mind off your troubles for a short while, but after some time you should find enjoyment in the exercise.

Of course you just want to sit inside in closed doors and just think about how useless you are, but that is not what has to be done! There are positive things that need to be practiced otherwise you will not get anywhere. Your medication is important, but make sure it is natural medicine you are taking. Together with some exercise you should start to feel better.

Sunshine is also good, so try taking a walk in the sun, or exercising in the sun. The sunlight assists in regulating the neurochemicals that are associated with moods, and it is important to take into consideration when managing depression. The light that enters your eyes and strikes the retina activates the pathway that leads to the hypothalamus, which is a section of one's brain that considerably influences your sex drive, moods, appetite and sleeping patterns. Exercise together with bright light exposure acts against depression and it will help to reduce the symptoms of depression, which will benefit you right from the start.

The most important treatment for depression is to admit that you have a problem and seek help. You cannot get better on your own. You need the support of family and friends, medication, and the aspects mentioned here like sunlight and exercise. Being depressed means that you feel you are useless, worthless and nothing really matters. Depression can very easily lead to suicide if it is not treated, so it is important to see to the disorder before it gets too far.

Being depressed doesn't mean that you are alone. There are many other people who suffer from the same disorder and thousands more who have been there and are now as healthy as can be.


Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Agitated Depression - Is There a Cure?

You may have heard of agitated depression, but you may not be sure what exactly it is. Basically this type of depression is a type of clinical depression in which patients have deal with restlessness as well as irritability. This is the term that is used for those who have depression when agitation is very prominent, and this is a very severe type of depression. Usually it is those who are elderly or those in middle age years that go through this type of depression.

While often people who go through depression feel very fatigued and laid back, there are others that are very irritable, angry, and agitated. This is what is being referred to when it comes to agitated depression. Although agitation can occur with other forms of depression, it is given this name when the agitation involved is very severe. However, there are no reasons to think that this type of depression is really different than other types of depression in most ways.

When it comes to agitated depression, there are several things that patients must show in order to be diagnosed with this type of depression. First of all, they must be having a major episode of depression. They must show symptoms like psychic agitation, tension on the inside, crowded thoughts, racing thoughts, or motor agitation. When they have at least two of these symptoms when going through an episode of depression, it is considered to be agitated depression.

There are a variety of different ways that this agitated depression may be expressed in patients. Some may pace a lot, others may shout out or start complaining. Others cannot sit still, some pull hair, rub their skin or clothes, keep talking all the time, or may go around wringing their hands all of the time.

Agitated depression is very serious, and it definitely does need to be treated. There are some drugs out there that are often used to treat this type of depression, but drugs are not always going to be the best option. For many people, drugs only cover up the problem, never really solving the problem at all. Instead of going with drugs, natural treatments can be used to treat this type of depression.

Natural options are available to treat agitated depression, and they are worth trying out. Instead of dealing with depression as well as medications and their side effects, natural options can bring relief that lasts long term. If you or someone you know are dealing with agitated depression, then you owe it to yourself to learn more about the natural treatments out there today.


Change Your Life and Mood Using Natural Treatments For Depression

Natural treatments for depression will change and provide you a superior lifestyle benefiting you in other areas as well. It is so amazing how our bodies work; the cells and the chemical processes which keep our body healthy or ill.

Two such "chemicals" found in our bodies are serotonin and dopamine. They are responsible for our moods, stress, anxiety and sleep; not enough and this imbalance can cause depression. You can get prescription antidepressants which do increase serotonin levels, they also can cause weight gain; but if you want to feel really healthy and happy all over you don't need prescription antidepressants. Research has found that prescription drugs for depression ends up in the intestinal tract; but it needs to cross the blood brain barrier into the central nervous system and brain, which it does not. But if the body is supplied with the right type of nutrition, serotonin levels will rise.

Our serotonin and dopamine levels are affected by what we eat and you can raise the levels by diet! Not giving your body what it needs will result in depression, anxiety, and illness. For instance omega-3 fatty acids must be present for normal brain function. You must consume omega-3s because our body does not make them. Low ingestion of the good fats has been associated with depression. Even using antidepressants along with omega-3 have been shown to be more effective than using antidepressants alone. Salmon is an excellent source, or you can buy a supplement.

Natural treatments for depression should include folic acid or folate and B6 part of the B vitamins and tryptophan that assist the body in producing serotonin and dopamine levels, which are abundant in healthy foods.

Eat these foods to RAISE serotonin and dopamine levels; amino acids (protein), artichokes, asparagus, bananas, black beans, blueberries, broccoli, chicken liver, chickpeas or garbanzo beans, cottage cheese, cranberries, eggs, kidney beans, leafy greens, lentils, mangoes, melons, oats, oranges, poultry, prunes, raw almonds, red beans, sesame and sunflower seeds, spinach, strawberries, turkey and walnuts.

Do NOT eat these foods as they DECREASE serotonin and dopamine; sugary foods and saturated fat, white bread, cakes, cookies, caffeine and alcohol.

Once you get back on track with a healthy diet you can add coffee and alcohol back in moderate amounts, one or two cups of coffee per day or a glass of wine here and there, but if you are depending on them for a lift it isn't helping. The natural cure for depression could as simple as trying to eat well for the next six weeks as an experiment. Hopefully you will stick with it after you see and feel the difference it can make in your life.

If you feel that you may need a supplement to help with your natural treatment for depression you can try St. John's Wart. This supplement can interfere with a few prescriptions and over the counter drugs like HIV drugs, organ rejection drugs, oral contraceptives and antidepressants, so be sure and check with your physician if you are taking any of them.

Natural treatments for depression might include SAM-e a chemical found naturally in the body which increases serotonin and dopamine levels. Another chemical produced by our body is 5-HTP to make serotonin. Do not use 5-HTP along with antidepressants.

Remember though, if you are having other problems such as extreme or a persistent depression you probably need to see a physician to be sure that you do not have some underlying medical condition.

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What is Depression and How You Need to Treat It

There are many people that cannot understand depression and there are many of them that kind of think that they know what it is and how it "changes" people, but they don't have a full understanding of the disorder. For those that are unclear about the disorder and think that it is a disorder and sometimes an excuse to get attention, it goes deeper than that. Depression is not something you want to mess with or ignore, because over time it is not only discouraging you from doing certain things and living a normal life, it is killing you. Literally!

Depression is actually an illness that involves your entire body, your thoughts and also your mood. This disorder affects how you eat your food and sleep at night. It plays a huge role in how you feel about certain things and people, and more importantly about yourself. Depression is not just a blue mood that is going to be over in a few days. No. It is also not a personal weakness or something that can be gone tomorrow or wished away. A person with this disorder cannot pull himself or herself together. That person cannot just get better and go on normally. If the person is not treated, the symptoms can last for years. Getting the appropriate treatment can help if you suffer from depression.

It is important that you know that depression can vary in different people. In addition, it also depends on how severe the disorder is. Depression causes a person to feel, think, behave and live differently. Here is what depression is and what it does to a sufferer:

• Changes your thinking - you may find out that you have difficulty concentrating and also difficulties making decisions. There will also be a few cases of short term memory loss and being very forgetful. If you have negative thoughts it is also a sign of depression. Excessive guilt, low self-esteem and self-criticism are all signs of depression. Being self-destructive or having thoughts of self-destruction are signs of severe depression.

• Feeling changes - you may feel sad all the time. You might find that you do not enjoy activities that you enjoyed so much before. A lack of motivation is another sign of depression, and you might also feel as if you are moving in slow motion and tired. If you have irritability issues and it is hard for you to control your temper then you probably have depression.

• Behavior changes - you might find yourself acting apathetic, because you feel this way. You feel uncomfortable around people, so you withdraw. You might also find that you are eating less or more. You suffer from excessive crying and chronic sadness.

• Physical Well-being changes - negative emotions. You may also find yourself suffering from chronic fatigue and that you cannot sleep or maybe don't sleep. You find yourself complaining about many things and are just restless. In many cases other sufferers experience the complete opposite.

Imagine feeling like this all the time. If you have any of these symptoms, see a psychologist. They will be able to assess you, because depression can be treated. Don't wonder if you are depressed. Do something about it, because now you know what it is.


What is the Best Treatment For Resistant Depression?

Depression that is treatment resistant is depression that will not go away, no matter what efforts you have put in to treating it. You have to understand what causes this type of depression and also know what treatments are out there to treat it. It is true that there are thousands of people that get well with only standard treatments. These people return to a normal life of fun and happiness. However, there are many people for whom treatment does not work, not at all. These people continue to live their lives with depression and feel hopeless and sad, disinterested and even suicidal.

You have been to psychologists and received counseling and treatment, but if you have not fully recovered or you have not improved you could be suffering from treatment-resistant depression. This is also known as resistant depression or chronic depression. It is important that you discuss with your doctor or the psychologist very openly and honestly about your problems. If you are looking for help, leave nothing out. Think of everything and talk about everything.

Resistant depression is defined as a continuation of the disorder despite treatment, using three or sometimes four kinds of medications. To get an understanding of this we could say that you and your psychologist have gone through months or maybe years trying to find the proper medication for your depression and nothing worked. This kind of depression is nothing like Dysthymia. Dysthymia is not as severe as chronic depression, although it can last a long time. Dysthymia is not a life-altering or disabling disorder compared to chronic depression.

Let's look at the causes of chronic depression:

• The severity of the depression - if the depression is severe and the episodes last long, the chances of the depression resisting treatment will be great and ultimately it will become chronic depression.

• What you have to do - it is important that you review your history with your doctor. Once you know how long you have suffered from the disorder and how severe it had become over the months or years, it will help with treatments.

• Wrong diagnosis - it is not simple to diagnose a disorder like depression. In many cases bipolar is misdiagnosed as Dysthymia or other forms of depression. The reason for this is that the manic phases of bipolar are less pronounced while depression phases are a bit more pronounced.

• What you have to do - make sure you get your condition reassessed. Find out if any of your close blood relatives have a bipolar disorder history. Try to get trusted friends and family members to sit down with your doctor. They will be able to give their perspective concerning your symptoms.

Chronic depression can be treated by your doctor, if you are both up to the challenge. However, if the symptoms continue even after treatment, it is best to get help from a psychiatrist or psychologist. They will be able to work together in order to find the right combination of medicines and therapy that will help.


What Are Some Effective Ways to Manage Low Level Depression?

Low level depression, while usually not disabling, can still make it difficult to function effectively in family and professional life. It also can drain the life out of activities that normally are a major source of enjoyment for you. Even though you may want to get back to your normal self as soon as possible, prescription medications may not be the best solution.

Many times, mild depression can often be successfully self-managed. Depression treatment without drugs can involve many different approaches. Natural remedies and herbs for depression can help you feel more motivated to try new things and make positive life changes that you really want.

It's not a good idea to ignore symptoms of low level depression. By paying attention to symptoms and identifying possible issues, simple solutions can often present themselves. Sometimes it may help to "talk it out" with a trusted friend or relative.

Self help groups are another option for support. When you're feeling down emotionally, it's common to have thoughts like, "there must be something wrong with me", or, everyone's happy and having fun but me", etc. Finding a self help group of people facing challenges similar to your own can help break through the feelings of isolation that come with depression.

Depending on the severity of your symptoms, you can also pursue counseling for professional guidance and help with developing a personalized set of tools that can help with your specific issues.

Depression and the Mind-Body Connection

Because depression can involve such strong emotions, it's easy to overlook that symptoms of low level depression may also be caused by a mixture of physical and psychological issues. Physical illnesses involving low-level infections or even side effects from OTC or prescription medications can contribute to low feelings.

A holistic approach for depression treatment without drugs can include addressing physical issues that may be contributing to symptoms. If you haven't had a complete physical examination for a while, it may be a good idea.

Diet adjustments are another approach that is used frequently by natural health care providers. Some have discovered that the often recommended low fat, high carb diet does not suit them. Blood sugar fluctuations (hypoglycemia) can be involved in depressive feelings as well as low energy and fatigue.

An example of one diet alternative is the Zone, developed by Dr. Barry Sears. The Zone diet advocates balanced amounts of carbohydrates, protein and specific kinds of "healthy fats". This type of diet can also help address the issue of food sensitivities or allergies, which, in some cases, have been found to play a part in emotional and physical depression symptoms.

Natural remedies and herbs for depression

Many have found that dietary supplements and herbal remedies can be effective in easing symptoms of mild depression, especially when combined with some of the tactics already mentioned.

St John's wort is an herb you've most likely heard about. It's been studied in research trials probably more than any other herb or nutrient. It is also the most prescribed natural depression remedy.

Some other supplements that are often recommended for depression are the amino acids 5 HTP and D-Phenylalanine. Omega-3 supplementation has been found to be beneficial for certain types of depression. Omega-3 oils like flax, borage and fish oil are healthy fats that research has shown are necessary for replenishing brain cells and neurons. These are the healthy fats that are often missing in the typical low fat, high carb diet.

These are a few ideas for self-management of low level depression. Everyone is different and the only way to know what will work for you is to try them. They are safe and usually without significant side effects.


Endogenous Depression - What Exactly You Need to Do to Cure It

Endogenous depression is caused by the chemical imbalance in the brain, and this only exists as some hypothetical idea. There are many people around the world that have experienced endogenous depression without an emotional precursor. However, this is an unrecorded and rare occurrence, but has become the number one subject which is inspiring research.

This specific type of depression is what is used to describe patients who don't respond to medicines. Endogenous is the term given to the depression that has no source or cause. This means that the depression was not caused by a circumstance or event, or a specific time in your life, but rather a condition that has surfaced and appeared out of nowhere.

Endogenous depression is also known to some people as biological-depression. This is considered to have genetic fingerprints. Biological depression can be treated with medication in the beginning although lifestyle and cognitive interventions play a major role.

If you have heard of endogenous depression then you have probably heard about reactive depression. Reactive depression is a condition that is caused when there is a problem in a relationship, death in the family, a job change or life changing event and insomnia. People that do not respond to antidepressants and other medication are known as reactive depression.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with you if you wake up one morning and find yourself depressed. It is also not your fault when you have no reason why you are depressed. Endogenous depression is a condition that many cannot explain and many cannot find the cause for. There are many people that suffer from mild endogenous depression. It is these people that don't have to go out and seek medical help. However, there are many people that do not want to admit that they are sick. These people find that although they are suffering they continue to go about their normal everyday life, but what they don't notice is that their enjoyment decreases and the effort they put in to certain things requires more. They feel like they are hopeless to the world and people don't need them, and they will also go as far as to say that people wouldn't miss them if they were gone.

Depression can very easily lead to suicide if it is not seen to immediately. Don't wait until your depression has got you to a stage where you no longer wish to live. Get help as soon as you can. You should consider assistance from natural medication as well as engage in some exercise, like taking long walks in the sun. You will enjoy this and it will also give you a bit of energy. It is important for you to get out when you are feeling down, even though you feel like sitting in a dark room all alone. If you do, that will only make your situation worse.

You need to get out there and go out with some friends, but most importantly you need to find the natural medication that works for you. You don't want chemical sleeping tablets or anti depressants. You want everything to be natural.


Depression Therapy - The Most Effective Treatment Options Available

There are many things one can do to try and treat their depression, but their heart has to be in it. If they want anything they do to be successful, they need to want to get better. The first step that should be taken into consideration is seeking psychological treatment as this will help the depressed individual in many ways. First of all, supportive counseling is there to ease the pain that is involved with depression. It helps to talk about your problems and what is bothering you. The therapist will try to get to the bottom of your depression and where it stems from. Its roots need to be identified and dealt with accordingly.

By seeing a therapist you will also specifically address the many feelings you are experiencing where you feel hopeless, useless, unworthy, stupid, ugly and the rest. Also, therapy will alter the negative ideas and impractical expectations as well as the pessimistic self-evaluations that are created by depression and are sustained. Therapy will help the individual to determine which of their problems need to be addressed first, with those being the major problem areas, and then they will help to identify the minor problems that are not really of concern. They should also create or be encouraged to follow already-made life goals, as well as work on a self assessment that is a lot more positive and not so harsh.

Another area that therapy will address is the problem areas. These will be tackled and eliminated if possible, but if not possible they will be taught how to positively deal with it instead of negatively. There are certain areas where the majority of ones stress comes from and too much of that one area can lead to depression. Once depression sets in, it doesn't get any better. The road only goes downhill from there if no treatment is approached. Treatments from a therapist along with naturally safe, efficient and affordable medication will set you on the right track after some time.

The last thing you want when you are suffering from depression is drugs. Anti depressants are drugs that do your body absolutely no good. They will force you to eventually be dependant on the drugs and the problems do not get solved. The drugs rather numb your pain so that you think and feel that the depression is subsiding, but it really isn't. That, along with other unpleasant side effects, will leave you feeling as bad as when your depression started. The drugs will not help you. Being depressed is one thing, and curing the disorder is a very lengthy process that takes patience.

With natural medicines you will be able to treat your depression and leave yourself feeling a lot better, even as good as new. Just remember that it takes time and will not happen over night. You have to be willing and want to be cured. Depression isn't something that goes away on its own. It is a disorder that needs attention in order for it to go away.


Depression Statistics - The Numbers That Matter and the Best Treatment Available

We are going to look at just how common the depression disorder is in the country of America. Depression is something that is experienced all over the world of course, not only in America, but just to get an idea of some kind of depression statistics we will use America as an example. These statistics will be that of adults only, eighteen years and older, that are suffering or have suffered from depression. There are different types of depression and some cases are milder than others, but that will all depend on the individual and the reason for their depression as well as the treatment and precautions they took.

In any year, 6.6% of men and 12% of women will have had any type of depression; where as over an entire lifetime, approximately 10% of men and 20% of women will have had or will get clinical depression. Also in any year, 3.3% of men and 6.5% of women will have serious depression. One percent of both men and women will suffer from bipolar disorder in their lifetime, and this disorder is a big factor when it comes to the possibility of depression. Those with bipolar often become depressed as they find it difficult to accept their condition and don't like to live with it.

Another disorder that tends to trigger depression is Dysthymia - which is a chronic condition that is distinguished by certain depressive symptoms, and these symptoms are ones that disrupt a patient's entire life. In one's lifetime, at least 5.4% will suffer from Dysthymia, and a percentage of about 2% will develop depression on top of this disorder.

Other statistics prove that the average age when depression is likely to occur is in the mid-twenties, Bipolar Disorder in the early twenties, and Dysthymia can occur in early adulthood, childhood or adolescents.

Anxiety disorders are also commonly associated with depression. Many people that suffer from anxiety have the same problem with depression as they are more susceptible to getting other disorders when they already have one. This is the reason why it is important for anyone with depression to have it treated immediately. By having it treated you don't always have to go for the chemical medication first. There are many natural ways in which you can kick your depression. You don't have to suffer your entire life, and especially if you are still young. If you don't get it seen to it will only get worse.

By making use of natural medication you will not have to live with any dangerous side effects, nor will you be dependant on them like you would with drugs like anti depressants. You will be able to sleep at night without them eventually, and they are nowhere near as harsh as anti depressants are. You also have different options when you are looking at natural treatments for your depression. They are all safe and effective so there is no need to worry about that. Natural medication along with some good old exercise and you will feel more like yourself everyday.

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Adolescent Depression - Causes and Best Treatment Options Available

Adolescent depression is a certain disorder that can occur during ones teenage years. What this type of depression involves are things like loss of interest, feelings of uselessness, constant sadness and discouragement among other negative feelings. You cannot predict whether a teenager will become depressed or not; sometimes it can be foreseen but in other cases it can be kept quiet without any suspicion, until something happens. It is important for adolescent depression to be seen to before it gets out of hand, which could be at any time. As soon as you realize you are depressed or your teenager is depressed you have to have the matter seen to. It might not easily be resolved, but you have to start somewhere.

Adolescent depression could be a temporary response from a teenager regarding certain situations or just usual stress, but it could also be a disorder that they will suffer from for years if they are not helped. When it comes to teenagers, depression is often due to:
• Independence arguments with parents
• Lack of freedom (in their minds)
• The natural maturing process and the stress and worries that come with it
• Sexual hormones can sometimes play a big role in depression

Adolescent depression could also be a temporary reaction that could lead to a permanent situation from disturbing events like:
• Failing school
• Being the victim of bullying
• Death of a relative or a close friend
• A sad breakup with a partner

Teenagers that experience low self-esteem, those who are very critical of themselves, and those who feel that they don't have any control or have little control over certain negative events are at risk to be depressed too. It is also a known fact that teenage girls are more likely to experience depression compared to teenage boys should they go through a difficult time.

Some of the risk factors involved include:
• Unstable care giving
• Weak social skills
• Chronic illnesses
• Sexual, mental and physical child abuse
• Genetic depression - family history of the disorder
• Loss of parent to divorce or death as well as other stressful life events

Adolescent depression can also be associated with some eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia.

Psychotherapy is the first thing that should be considered when seeking treatment for adolescent depression. Talk therapy tries to assist the depressed teen and change the way they think. They will be taught more reasonable ways in which they can solve their issues and they will also be taught how to improve their interpersonal and social skills.

Anti-depressants are normally used to keep depression at bay, but the side-effects that come with taking anti-depressants are something scary and not for any teenager to experience.

The best thing for any depressed adolescent is taking herbal supplementation. This is perfect as it is all natural and will have no or very little side-effects. There are many herbs available to take; the teenager will have to decide what works best for them.

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Natural Remedies For Depression - The Best Options Available

More people are dealing with depression than ever before. The sales of antidepressant drugs are up. So why are more and more people dealing with depression? Well, the main reason may be their method of treatment. Many drugs are taken by those trying to treat depression, but often medications don't work. This is the reason that so many people are now trying out some of the natural remedies for depression that are out there. Here is a look at a few of these natural remedies that you may want to try yourself to help combat the depression that you are dealing with.

Eating the Right Diet
First of all, one of the common natural remedies for depression is simply eating the right diet. Eating a diet that has a lot of refined carbs in it and not enough omega-3s has been shown to cause depression to occur. Instead of eating so many processed foods, try going natural with your foods and work on getting more of the omega-3s that you need. This may be enough to provide you with a boost, eliminating the depression that you are dealing with.

While exercise may not be at the top of your list, it is one of the top natural remedies for depression. Exercise has studies behind it backing up the idea that it can help to minimize problems with depression. When you exercise on a regular basis, it can improve your self esteem, release healthy endorphins, and more. This can give you a feeling of well being that cannot be reproduced with medications.

Meditation and Yoga
Meditation and yoga can also be used as natural remedies for depression, and used very effectively as well. The great thing is, in just 15-20 minutes each day, you can really have an effect on depression. This is a natural remedy that is totally free to practice, and it doesn't take a lot for you to learn how to use it either.

Herbal Options
A variety of herbal options are out there that can be used as natural remedies for depression as well. One of the most well known herbs used to treat depression happens to be St. Johns Wort. It is very popular and studies have been done on it showing that it truly can provide results when treating disorders like depression.

As you can see, there are many different natural remedies for depression to consider. Instead of going with medications, go the natural route instead. Natural treatment options are more likely to take care of the problem for good and you don't have to worry about having side effects occur either, which is a big advantage.

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Monday, 24 August 2009

Anxiety and Depression Disorder - What You Can Do to Break Free From the Negative Emotions

For many people, depression and anxiety go hand-in-hand, meaning that they suffer from both disorders. This can make overcoming the problems all the more difficult. If you suffer from anxiety and depression disorder, then you will most definitely want to find ways to cure the problem.

The problem with the two disorders combined is that the depression can lead to a lethargy that makes you not want to do anything to get past your problems. The negative thoughts that come along with depression can amplify the problems with anxiety, making panic attacks all the worse.

If you are suffering from anxiety and depression disorder, you may feel that you have no hope. However, you can break free from the negative emotions. There is one major action that you can take along with a few small changes. All of these will greatly impact your disorders.

The first thing you need to do is exercise and workout regularly on a set schedule. You may be wondering how exercise is going to do anything about your problems. Here is some proof that it can be a great help:

When you exercise, especially if you do cardiovascular workouts, your body sends endorphins into the bloodstream. These chemicals help your body become more relaxed. They also relax muscles and nerves. In this way, exercise can greatly help your anxiety and depression disorder.

Besides the physical help, the exercise can be of benefit in other ways. The workout will help you focus on something other than your problems. You will find yourself absorbed in your workout instead of thinking about your fears and your anxiety. In addition, the exercise may help you get out of the house, even if it is just a walk around the block, so that you can get fresh air and maybe speak to a few people.

Other things that you can do to alleviate your anxiety and depression disorder include working on one thing at a time in small steps. You can make a point to involve yourself with relaxation techniques, like deep breathing or yoga.

You can also consult a professional who may be able to help you with the depression side of your disorder. The key is to know that there is help. You are not hopeless. As long as you can remember that, you will be able to overcome your problems and get past both the depression and the anxiety.

What Are Common Causes of Depression? Ways to Improve Daily Moods

Depression can have a number of causes and certain daily routines can help to relieve low moods. Lack of exercise, improper nutrition, light deficiency and low blood sugar can all influence your emotional states. For situations related to emotional trauma, counseling is also an important adjunct.

Often an underactive thyroid can result in tiredness, bouts of crying, easy irritability and low energy. It is a good idea to have this regulatory tested in a medical exam to see if this may be an underlying cause of one's depression.

Another common issue underlying depressed mood is having blood sugar problems. Hypoglycemia can create a pattern of eating sweets, having energy for a brief period of time and then feelings of depression and fatigue. Sometimes there is an adrenal problem that needs to first be addressed.

Insufficient zinc in one's diet has been also tied to depression. Also low amounts of zinc in the diet can lead to having excessive copper levels. Excessive copper in one's blood can result in low moods and insomnia.

Do you find your depression is worse in the winter? If co, look at the studies related to lighting. There are lamps that are sold to assist with this in the cold months of the year. It is also worth putting on some extra layers in cold weather and getting outdoors so your body can get light exposure.

Exercise is another factor related to improving depressed moods. Runners high due to the release of endorphins is in the news often. However, other forms of exercise can also release chemicals that help with reducing irritability, chronic anxiety and depressed moods.

Applying a few of these tips can help to reduce the negative emotions that lower our level of happiness.

The Dark Side of Depression

In recent years, the number of prescriptions written for antidepressants has risen sharply. In fact, according to a report by CNN, drugs in the antidepressant category are prescribed more than any other, surpassing medications written for the treatment of high blood pressure, cancer and all other medical conditions. Some psychiatrists see this as a good sign-a sign that people are finally paying attention to their mental health-but critics argue that the alarming number of prescriptions written, reflects a disturbing trend-a trend seeing millions of people becoming dependent upon potentially dangerous medications, which serve only to manage the symptoms of depression, while leaving the causes for the illness unexplored.

There are different types of antidepressant medications, but the most popular and widely prescribed, fall under a class of drugs called Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors or SSRIs.

The popular SSRIs include:

Prozac (fluoxetine)
Zoloft (sertraline)
Paxil (paroxetine)
Lexapro (escitalopram)
Celexa (citalopram)

The SSRIs act on a chemical in the brain called serotonin. Serotonin helps regulate mood, but it also plays a role in digestion, pain, sleep, mental clarity, and other bodily functions. As a result, the SSRI antidepressants cause a wide range of side effects. These side effects can be moderate to severe, depending on dosage and the individual. Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, vomiting, insomnia, sexual difficulty (loss of sex drive, impotence), weight changes and tremors.

In certain cases, however, these drugs are even more dangerous, causing serious health problems and even death. In elderly patients, SSRIs can increase the possibility of falls, fractures, and bone loss.
In adolescents, studies show an increase in the likelihood of suicide in patients taking the drugs.
Serious withdrawal symptoms have been reported as a result of discontinuing an SSRI regiment.
Combining SSRIs with certain pain relief medications, such as ibuprofen, can cause stomach bleeding.
SSRIs can inhibit one's ability to safely drive or operate machinery, increasing the possibility for automobile accidents.

So why, considering these potentially harmful side effects, are these antidepressants so widely used?
Good question. Often it is the only option suggested by doctors, and people, desperate for relief from troubling symptoms, jump at the prospect of feeling better, at any cost. Many believe these pills can "cure" what ails them and give them their life back, but the truth, as mentioned earlier, is that antidepressants treat only the symptoms of depression, and without further treatment, the underlying cause of their condition will continue to persist. In too many cases, people find that the use of these drugs has not only failed to cure them, but introduced a secondary cause for anguish and grief: dealing with the side effects of the drug on which they have become dependent.

To combat this, more and more people are beginning to explore alternate treatments that address the causes of their depression. Techniques such as cognitive therapy, subconscious restructuring and mindfulness, based on eastern meditation, offer patients a chance to deal directly with the root of their depression, to live calmly and confidently in the moment and learn ways to recognize internal and external triggers which act as precursors to their symptoms. These treatments take time, but they are readily accessible methods for patients to take an active, rather than passive role in their recovery.

Depression is a complex medical condition, requiring a multi-step approach in its treatment. Medication therapy alone, while occasionally effective in easing the symptoms of depression, is not a one-stop solution to the problem. Antidepressants can cause dependence and an array of negative side effects that can compound the difficulty of living with the illness. Be active in your recovery. Take the time to become educated about all the treatment options available, and consider the advantages and disadvantages of each, before settling upon a singular approach involving medication alone.

What Are Your All Natural Depression Medication Options?

If you're experiencing mild or low level depression symptoms, all natural depression medication may be a good alternative treatment for you. Because many different things can cause symptoms of depression, if you receive a diagnosis or suspect you may have a depressive disorder, a physical evaluation may be necessary.

Depression may be caused partly by physical illnesses like viral infections, medication side effects, etc., and the cause of the actual emotions of depression may be a mixture of physical and psychological issues. For mild depression, self-evaluation may be enough. More serious, life disrupting symptoms (clinical depression) needs to be treated with the help of a professional.

Often people may dismiss their depressed feelings as "just a phase" that will pass, and many times this may be true. If your symptoms don't interfere with normal work schedules or disrupt your social, family, and professional life too much, the temporary "down time" may be an opportunity for personal growth.

All natural depression medication works well other things that are easy to adjust, like diet for example. For some people, adding consistent, quality protein to the diet may help ease depression symptoms if hypoglycemia or some similar condition is involved in causing them.

Depending on your specific body type and metabolism, diet adjustments can be a good avenue to explore. The high carbohydrate, low fat diet has been promoted heavily the last several decades but not everyone does well with such a diet. The Zone diet, the Blood Type diet and the Atkins diet are several you can look at if you want to consider making some easy changes.

Dietary supplements and herbal remedies can be effective natural depression remedies. The herb St John's wort is probably the most prescribed natural depression remedy, and the second most popular is the nutrient SAM-e. They both are excellent choices and are backed by many clinical research studies showing their effectiveness. Plus significant side effects are rarely experienced with these natural alternatives.

Some other supplements that are often recommended for depression are 5 HTP and D-Phenylalanine which are amino acids. Omega-3 supplementation is beneficial for certain types of depression as well as bipolar disorder. Omega-3 oils like flax, borage and fish oil are healthy fats that research has shown are necessary for replenishing brain cells and neurons.

I personally have had good results with all natural depression medication consisting of St John's wort, and the herbs passionflower, lemon balm and lavender. Of course, everyone is different and the only way to know if these herbs will work for you is to try them. They are safe and usually without side effects.

10 Natural Ways to Ease Depression

1. Do something to get out of the house. Go for a walk, ride a bike, visit a friend, anything to get out of where you are. If you sit around moping, you will make yourself feel worse.
2. Understand that we are not going to feel happy all of the time. Sit back and enjoy the misery. Give yourself a time limit. Decide you will really wallow in your misery for let us say twenty-five minutes. Then allow all the bad feelings free rein. After the time limit, get yourself out for a walk or visit a friend.
3. Talk about your feelings to someone. A friend or family member may be able to help by just listening. Sometimes all we need is to have someone listen to us.
4. Write down your feelings. Keep a journal or just a book to write down what is bothering you. If you are more comfortable with drawing, draw a picture. It can help you express your feelings.
5. Eat a healthy diet. Sometimes depression can be caused by lack of nutrition. Your body can only take so much abuse and if it has to fight poor nutrition, it has no reserves to help you cope with emotional upsets.
6. Clean your bathroom with a toothbrush or find some other really boring task. Try it before you scoff!
7. Do not make any major decisions while you are depressed. You are not thinking clearly and are more likely to make the wrong decision, which will make you feel worse.
8. Stay away from the shops. You are more likely to try a bit of retail therapy and get into financial strife.
9. Stay away from the fridge. Eating is not going to fill that hole. Go for a walk instead.
10. Sometimes you just need some time out. Stress, too many commitments and too many late nights can take their toll. Relax, soak in the tub, and take some 'me' time.

Successful Strategies in Opting For a Natural Cure For Depression

How many people do you know who use anti-depression drugs as a crutch? These people are not really getting to the bottom of the problem and it amazes me how doctors never bother to find out what their patients are doing to get out of the black hole of depression. A natural cure for depression has a much greater chance of success as it concentrates on the patient making greater efforts to find out the cause of the depression and to make certain changes in their lifestyle which will aid that process.

The main problem with anti depression drugs is that, apart from never really curing the cause, they become addictive and there is also the feeling that many patients have of a sort of blurred existence. It is true though that depression drugs like Paxil and Lexapro can help patients enormously to get over the immediate crisis they are facing. That crisis could be a panic attack, severe depression, generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) or SAD ( seasonal affective disorder).

A natural cure for depression will have an actual recovery plan which is rarely on the doctor's action points when prescribing the anti depressant drugs. With natural treatments for depression, the patient is able to come to terms with the fact that there is a problem and eventually how he is going to get through the tunnel.

Once the patient has taken a decision about the different ways they can improve their mood, then there is a great chance of success. Some people claim that 80% of a natural cure for depression will take place through lifestyle changes while 20% will come about through the anti depressants.

Apart from coming to terms with the basic problem of depression, it is up to the patient to decide what sort of lifestyle changes are both feasible and practical when choosing natural treatments for depression. Could their diet be changed so that sugary carbs are reduced but simple carbs (like fruit,vegetables and whole grains) are increased? What about physical exercise which can increase the feel good chemicals? How is sleep hygiene addressed? What are the herbal remedies and homeopathic treatments available which will have little or no side effects ?

These are the successful strategies in deciding which natural treatments for depression to opt for. There are thousands of doctors who never ask their patients these questions. If you or a loved one are suffering from depression, then it is high time you started to ask these questions and decide that a natural cure for depression will give lasting and much more successful results.

Can Animals Help With Depression?

With different people looking for their own way to deal with some light depression they may experience on occasion, a few have come up with some interesting ways that they believe will brighten their mood. For some, music can help soothe the soul. Music is what many will turn to because it not only helps them to relax and leave their worries behind for a while, it can help them feel refreshed after they have listened to a few good tunes. For many others, spending some time with their fury, scaly or feathery companions can help to brighten their day; though cats and dogs are the more common choice.

With cats and dogs being domesticated and living alongside humans for thousands of years, it is little wonder that many people will develop a strong and meaningful bond with their fuzzy family member. Often taken for granted, there is much that a pet can give back to their family, not the least of which is the affection that a dog can give back to their owner. There is the comfort in the fact that a dog will always be happy to see their friend. They do not judge a person on anything they have done, and as long as their master treats them right, they will always be there to wag their tail, show an open-mouthed grin and to cuddle with. This is why many dog, and cat, owners will look forward to getting home and taking their dog out for a walk or spend time with them, because as soon as they come in through that door, they know that they will be greeted with that brilliant ray of sunshine. There is a healthy and happy consistency there that can help a person re-boot and realize that things in life really are not as bad as they may sometimes seem.

As unfortunate as it is, especially with so many of these wonder beings needing to go to a good home, there are many places that may not allow pets. There are also those that, despite their love of animals, are greatly allergic to them so there is little chance of a dog living there. For those who live in places that do allow pets, one has to keep in mind that while they might think the benefits of a dog or cat sound wonderful, the responsibilities that come with a pet may not be something they want to have to deal with. Taking care of a friend's dog every once in a while might not be a bad idea in this case.

Of course, for those who feel depression a little more than once in a while, speaking to a professional might be a good idea. One does not necessarily have to arrange multiple sessions with an online counselor, sometimes one or two sessions is all they need as they just need to be heard. Finding an online therapist is fairly easy for anyone willing to do a quick search online. Online counseling is not just for those who are suffering from more serious problems, those who are feeling a little blue and in a rut in life can greatly benefit from a little online therapy as well.

5 Tips to Coping With Depression

Depression is a very real and can be a very debilitating disorder. For anyone that has never truly dealt with depression in a more advanced form, it can appear that those that are suffering more severely are merely acting in an inappropriate manner. But this could not be further from the truth.

Depression has been labeled by some as a disease. This could be because of how it attacks a person. Like a disease, depression begins deep within an individual hidden at first. A person often does not realize that they are beginning to sink into a deeper depression. For them they are just down and out and will rebound soon enough. Terms like, "I am just having a bad day", or "I am just not myself lately", could be early warning signs that a person is beginning to feel the onset of depression. Also like a disease, if depression goes unattended it simply grows worse over time. Eventually if untreated depression can overcome an individual and affect every aspect of their life.

How do I know this? I have suffered from severe depression and am actually just now beginning to pull myself from the depths of it. I understand how overwhelming the feelings of depression can be. I know how it feels to have feelings of complete hopelessness and helplessness. I also understand that it is not easy to overcome it.

Another thing I know is that not everyone suffering from depression can afford a therapist or medicine to help combat these feelings. That is why I have put together a short list of five things an individual can do to help improve their life as they deal with depression. I do not claim that these things will by any means cure anyone of depression, but hopefully it will help them to at least cope.

1) Think Positive.... Now this bit of advice may seem to be a very obvious tip for anyone dealing with depression, but it is one that is most often overlooked. The key is to not only know you must think more positively, but surround yourself with it. One of the things I have done to try and become more positive with my thought process is changing my welcome screen on my cell phone. I placed the phrase "think positive" on the inside screen of my phone so that anytime I open it I have to read it. I have been pleasantly surprised at how much this little change has helped me so far.

There are many things a person can do to surround themselves with positive things. Read books that are positive in nature. Watch TV shows that have a positive feel to them. Hang out with people that have a positive attitude. Tell yourself positive thoughts as soon as you wake up in the morning. Listen to positive music. If you are religious, read literature that pertains to your religious beliefs. The list of things you can do is endless. So, be positive and begin to do them!

2) Remove the Negative... Yes, this is another tip that seems obvious and may seem to go hand and hand with the first. But it is actually another thing that is often overlooked and is completely separate from thinking positive. Anyone that has ever suffered from severe depression will more than likely tell you that everything from the type of music they listen to, to the type of people they hang out with changes. When I am severely depressed I tend to listen to more dark and dreary music. I also tend to isolate myself from the world, whereas some may actually find others who are depressed to hang out with. The important thing to do though is identify those negative things and remove them.

When it comes to being around others that are also depressed, or generally just negative, I am not saying you have to stop being their friends or being around them period. But you must at the very least limit your amount of contact you have with them. As the old saying goes, "Misery loves company." If you remain around other negative people, they will merely feed your depression and you will feed theirs. Also, remove whatever else makes you feel more depressed if you can. If watching the nightly news seems to only fuel your feelings of depression, then stop watching the news for a while. If the music you are listening to has a negative feel to it, stop listening to it. The important thing is to first identify whatever makes you feel more negative and then begin to separate yourself from it.

3) Write It Out... If you ever written a personal journal before, you know how powerful just writing out your feelings can be. You do not have to be a professional writer or even be a good speller to write a personal journal. The journal is for your eyes only and it does not matter how well you form your sentences or how well your grammar is. The important thing is that you are getting out your frustrations. Sometimes this can be more effective than expressing your feelings to someone else. This is because you can express yourself in a open and free manner that you may be afraid of doing with anyone else. So break out the pen and paper, or computer, and let all those feelings flow from your fingers into words.

4) Hobby Time... Everyone has things they like to do more than anything else. The problem with depression is that we often stop doing those things. This is a huge mistake! When you are depressed you often do not feel like doing anything at all, but you must make yourself do something. By picking things that you truly enjoy doing, you will provide yourself with opportunities to enjoy yourself.

One of the things that I truly love doing is writing. So one of the key things I have began doing to overcome my latest bout of depression is not only writing out my frustrations, but writing for pleasure. This has helped me as much, if not more, than anything else I have done thus far to battle depression in my life. For another person it may be playing golf. Another may enjoy cooking, while yet another may love hiking. Whatever hobby or activity it is you enjoy doing, do more of them and allow yourself some enjoyment in your life.

5) Get Out of the Rut... This bit of advice can go hand and hand with number four, but it also applies to your entire life. A person that suffers depression often finds themselves in what they consider a rut in life. They feel like no matter how hard they try they cannot seem to make positive changes in their life. One way to begin to change this way of thinking is to not allow yourself to be complacent.

Some of the things a person can do to help break out of the rut is by making small changes to your daily routine. If you always have your cup of coffee at home, try stopping at a local coffee shop on your way to work instead for your morning fix. If you always watch the six o'clock news, try reading a good book instead during that hour. You can also try new things to break out of your rut. Is there something you have always wanted to do, but just never tried? Break out of your shell and give it a shot. Is there somewhere you always wanted to go in your hometown, but just never took the time to go? Then get up and go see what you have been missing. The point is to prove to yourself on a daily basis that change is possible in your life and that you can be the one to make that change. Knowing you can change your life is a powerful tool when attempting to fight depression. So start changing the small things and the bigger things will follow.

This list is far from a complete list of things a person can do to help themselves overcome depression. But my hope is that if you or someone you know is suffering from depression that these small bits of advice will help. If professional help can be obtained, then I always suggest receiving it if you are suffering from depression. The main thing is that you are at the very least trying to help yourself.